Chapter Thirty-One: Paint Problems

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31) complains for hours about the paint bottles you leave everywhere. Then complains for hours about the paint he slips on. Then complains for hours about the paint stains on his butt.

I had yet another art project due for class that week. I don't understand. I get that we're going to be artists, but art takes time. It's not like I'm cranking out the next Picasso piece every few days. I feel so rushed. And this time it was painting... my least favorite.

I had paint bottles and paint splatters everywhere. I figured Josh wouldn't be home until late since he said he was going out with his buddies so I also figured I could pretty much trash the place and get it cleaned up before he got home. Wrong. I heard the click of the keys in the door before it was even 9:00 pm. It was early. What was he doing home?

"Maya! I'm- What is this mess?" First words as he came through the door.

"You should be lucky I even decided to lay a tarp down 'cause I wasn't going to." I joked.

"Not funny. We need to get this cleaned up. There's paint everywhere. And I mean everywhere!" Josh complained.

He took five steps onto the tarp and slipped in a paint splatter. He landed on his butt and stared up at me, frowning. I poured my bottom lip so I wouldn't laugh. He already seemed mad as is.

"I'm serious. Clean this up now. I am not going to slip again." Josh yet again complained.

"That's right. You won't slip because you'll be more careful when you walk." I snapped with a quick comeback.

I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears as he stormed off to his room. I could hear Josh mumbling under his breath about how no one cares about cleanliness anymore and about how everyone just lived like pigs.

I continued painting. I was on a deadline. No way was I stopping now. Inspiration had finally struck me and if I was lucky, I could finish the assignment by morning and turn it in early. My peaceful painting mood was interrupted by an animalistic growl.

"MAYA!!!" Josh shouted and stormed back down the hallway. I'm sure dust was raining down on the apartment below us due to his stomping feet, "There's paint on my butt! Your paint! And why isn't this all cleaned up! I'm sick of your arts and crafts projects! Can't you do something normal for once?"

That stung. I wonder what set him in his bad mood.

"I think you're forgetting that I'm an art major here. This is part of my homework." I retaliated.

"Just keep it out of my way. I'm sick and tired of it."

A/N: Josh could be on his period right now if he weren't a guy. Lol. But what do y'all think? I hope it's good enough for you. Honestly, that chapter just felt like rambling. Let me know if it seems like it is. It won't hurt my feelings. Other than that, stay tuned for the next chapter... Coming soon.

Disclaimer: I do not own Joshua Matthews or Maya Penelope Hart.

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