Chapter 11

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 this come right after chapter 10 it explains everything and then some :D

Chapter 11

The Queen patted to sit next to her again.

I flashed her a smile.

“My Queen I would rather you explain to me what just happened. You know don't you? I know you know I do. Don't you?”

She gave me a sweet smile.

For some reason I felt very protective of my self at the moment?

Should I be?

Was I wrong?

Or more right?

“Anna you have you fathers gift. He to went in to a state just like that.”

I nodded slowly, not saying a word as she went on.

“I now see what they were after all thous years ago. It seems your eyes have developed way past anyone ever thought they could. You see your father could see things that have yet to happen, and you can do the same as well.”

I sat down by her side.

“I thought you said I was different? Did you not?”

She nodded as her white hair staid in place.

“You see Anna you have the gift to take your mind to another place as your body stays where you are in the same time frame as you are in. It may even become possible you can move your body as well.”

I toke a deep breath.

“What dose this all mean? Or dose it mean anything?”

“Anna you and your eyes in Wonderland are called The Looking Glass! In our world and the one your friends came from you are the most valuable thing that ever existed!”

I let my mind take it all in.

This curse was a gift?

Or was this gift a curse?

“You see Anna a Hatter is the only one who can handle the power of the Looking Glass. When you where born it was passed to you. Your mind alone can create worlds, change time, and save lives. But with the price I fear of your own sanity.”

No words were said.

Not a breath toke.


Our heads jerked to see one of the Chess knights running our way.

The Queens eyes locked with mine.

“Anna don't tell any one what I just told you! They cant know! Now not even your closes friends could really be your friend.”

I wonted to ask why but they reached us handing me a letter with my name on the front.

I opened it reading every word with care as the lines played in my head.

 Oh, dear where have you been?

So near, so far or in between?

What have you heard ...........................................what have you seen?

I could not belieave the words and what they said

"Dear Anna;





the next chapter will be the letter i hope :D

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