Down the Hobbit Hole.

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3rd Person POV
Walking through the small field an old wizard by the name of Gandalf was shocked to see two figures falling from the sky. He continued to watch as said figures landed not-so-softly on the rocky ground. Gandalf easily made out the first figure to be an Orc. One of Saruman's henchmen. 

The other he could not figure out. You could easily make out the silhouette of a female, but the clothes she wore were not of Middle-Earth or The Shire in which they had landed not to gracefully.

The Orc jumped from its place on the ground and made its way over to the obviously unconscious woman. Seeing this Gandalf sprung into action, running towards the two bodies. As he drew closer he started to make out more of the females features. 

To him she was very familiar, although the reason behind the familiarity was lost on him. He was now close enough to strike. Removing his sword from its sheath he ran at the Orc, slicing off its head before it could reach the unconscious girl.

Gandalfs POV
I slowly approached the woman who was now starting to stir. Leaning over her I still cant seem to pin point why she seems so familiar. Or why she is dressed so strangely. Her eyes begin to flutter open and I find myself staring into a endless pool of enticing and mysterious colors.

Ithilwen's POV
Okay. OUCH! I admit that landing was rather rough and ungraceful. That kind of reminds me of the first time I fell off of the playground as a child. Landing face-first on the not-so-welcoming bark. At the moment all I can see is black. 

Slowly but surely my vision finds its way back to me and I find my self in an odd situation. Standing above me, long beard, pointy hat and all is a wizard. Maybe I hit my head harder than I thought. That or I am dreaming. I reach my hand out slowly and stroke the old mans beard. "Wow, for a dream you feel so real," I mumble.

He smiles at me an odd twinkle in his eyes and the first words out of his mouth are spoken to me as if speaking to a child. "Your not dreaming my lady, and I am as real as you are."

Jumping to my feet I start backing away, ignoring the painful throbbing feeling in the back of my head. "N-not possible" I say reaching for my gun and finding it not in my holster. I must of dropped it back in the alley way. The elderly man is still approaching me arms out stretched in a non-threatening way.

"You are fine my lady, I will not harm you" he says, that twinkle still in his eyes.

He seems so friendly but at this moment I don't really care. I am in a strange place with a strange man and so I do what feels natural. I run. I run out of the field and in no general direction. The wind is causing my hair to whip me in the face, but I focus on getting as far away from that field as fast as I can. 

Not even focusing on where I am going I suddenly see a little house. A very little house. Looking at it I cant help but laugh. It reminds me so much of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. A sense of home washes over me and I feel as if I can be safe here. Walking up the cobblestone path I reach the door and knock loudly.

"FRODO! SOMEONES AT THE DOOR!" yells a male voice from within.

Minutes later the door is open and a small boy with bright green eyes and unruly brown hair is staring up at me. A bright smile makes its way across his face. "Hello my lady. My name is Frodo" he says happily. 'What is with these people and calling me my lady?' I think to myself.

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