Chp1: Farewell...

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It's been years since I've seen home. I wonder how it looks now. I wonder how tall the trees in the garden are, how old fashion has my room become, how big have my pets grown and a lot more was my brain wondering about when all of a sudden my thoughts were distracted by a knock on the door.

I saw my friend Angela's head peeping through the door. I saw tears in her eyes and I knew what they were meant for. Since it was the last day of school you could expect anyone to cry. "You still didn't start packing your stuff?" was Angela's question. To which I didn't make any response that's when I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. Anyone would cry after seeing their best friend cry.

Angela and I have been best friends since childhood. It's really hard to split from your best friend after being together since the third grade. Especially when you find it really hard to make new friends.

Angela sat beside me on my bed and tried to calm down herself and calm me down. After crying we had a little chit chat about the time we had together. "Are you done packing?" I asked her. "Yes already" was her reply. "You know it feels just like yesterday when we first met." I laughed at the thought of what Angela had just said because it really did feel like yesterday. "Well you better get packing then" saying that Angela left me to wonder about a million of things.

For a moment I thought about my family. I thought about my four brothers and parents. My parents decided to send me to a boarding school when I was only nine years old. Since then I've never been home, I've spent my all my holidays at school because my parents work in the film industry so they thought to give me a simple life to live. And now I think it's going to be very hard to adjust in an atmosphere of fame.

They visit me once in a year or sometimes twice. Since my school is in England, so they find it hard to break down their schedule to visit me. I don't mind them not visiting me at all. I've been told that one of my brothers will come to pick me up from the airport. That's the least of my concerns right now. I've to pack my stuff before the matron comes to see if I am packed or not.


"Ring................ring......." was the sound of my alarm clock. I had set it before going to bed. I got out of my bed; I was so sleepy that I couldn't even manage to get to the bathroom. It was early in the morning when the sun hadn't even risen. My flight was at 7:00 am.

I decided to take a quick shower, I checked the cupboard for my uniform that's when I remembered that there was no wearing a school uniform in my life ever again. I took my clothes out of the cupboard, a long green colored top with a long black cardigan and blue jeans with boots, which matched my top perfectly. I headed towards the bathroom, took a shower and dried my hair. I got dressed and tied my hair in a bun with a big brown clip.

"Ella...Ella..." I heard my name being called. I opened my room door; I saw Angela dressed in navy blue shirt with black jeans. Her blue eyes shining and her blonde hair let loose. "Hurry, matron has asked us to assemble in the courtyard" said Angela. "I was just taking a last look at my room" was my reply. Angela grabbed my hand and we raced to the courtyard.

Matron looked angry when we reached the courtyard. "You girls are late like always but I spare you today as it's the last day of yours at this school" said matron with tears in her eyes. We hugged the matron and left her to do the attendance. After the attendance everyone had breakfast and took pictures, with tears everyone left for the airport.

Everyone except some unlucky friends had to board different flights. Me and Angela had to separate at the airport. Angela's flight was to Germany and mine was to US. I wish that Angela's family had never shifted from L.A.

Angela started crying the moment we separated, you see Angela is emotional. Even I cried after seeing her cry. We hugged each other that's when I heard an announcement "we request Ella Wilson to board her plane." I left Angela and headed to my plane. I heard Angela scream "I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too" was my reply. As I reached the plane, I hurried to my seat. I let out a sigh of relief and wondered about what was going to come for me in America.


"Fasten your seat belts the flight is ready to land" was the announcement I heard after I had finished the meal they had provided. It wasn't anything special just a simple non-veg breakfast that I could barely eat. There was an omelet egg with a sausage that I couldn't even sniff it. Since I had had my breakfast at school, I decided not to even touch it though I was hungry. I drank the orange juice they had given with the meal.

I fastened my belt and switched off my laptop and woke up the passenger sitting next to me. She was an old woman, perhaps travelling alone. "The plane is going to land better fasten your seat belt" I told the lady. "Thank you for waking me up" was her reply. "You're welcome, did you enjoy your meal?" I asked. "What a nasty thing to enjoy! It seems you didn't even enjoy it. Well, why are you travelling to America?" she asked. "I didn't even taste it. I am going to America because that's where my family lives, I've been studying in England and now that I finished school I am heading back home. And what does this journey mean to you?" I asked. "I am having my cancer treatment in America" she said. I felt a shiver down my spine. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to." "Oh dear don't be sorry" she said in a very sweet manner. "I'll pray for you" I said. She saw that I was upset. "Thank you dear, but really I am not a bit upset about it. I am happy for whatever God has planned for me?"

We made no further conversation. We did bid a goodbye and went to our destinations. I had never felt so bad in my whole life, not even when I was sent to boarding school.

I reached the arrivals; I exited the airport that's when I saw my brother Joe. He's my second eldest brother and the closest one to me. I couldn't see his face because of the crowd around him. I could see his two bodyguards, guarding him from the crowd. Perhaps they were his fans. I headed towards the crowd, I saw one of my brother's bodyguard. He helped me through the crowd. Joe saw me, he hugged me so tightly that I almost lost my breath.

"It's so nice to see you" said Joe. "And it's a pleasure meeting you" I replied. I sat in Joe's jeep which was white in color and was comfortable, I sat on the passenger seat right next to Joe. He was sitting on the driver's seat, he was wearing a black jeans and a blue T-shirt. His bodyguards just disappeared after we left. I wondered where they had gone.

"You've started speaking in a British accent" Joe said. "You noticed that now, in so many years. How's everyone at home?" I asked. "They're fine. Everyone is dying to meet you" he replied.

When we reached home there was another crowd not fans but of the media. I let out a deep breath. I saw mom and dad standing in the middle of the crowd. "Don't worry they'll just ask you a few questions" said Joe. Now I understood who was actually dying to meet me (The Media).

Before we even parked the jeep the crowd surrounded it. Joe was out of the jeep before I was, he was casually answering the questions of the media. He was comfortable with it because it was a part of his job.

I took a deep breath and stepped out. The minute I was out, the crowd surrounded me. I would accept it that I was nervous but I stood firm and tried to answer their questions. The journalists spoke American English which was sort of blur for me. I barely answered some questions and after that everything went black.


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