Chapter 34: Twisted Ties

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(No one's) POV
"Wendy! Get going dude, I got this! Can't let some small fry Dipper hurt you!" Soos jumped heroically in front of Wendy.

"Soos, what are you crazy?" Wendy snapped back at him.

Reverse Dipper took out three blue daggers, "I'm much as ready as the  two of you are." He smirked.

"Let's both take him out together, teamwork is something we all need..." Wendy whispered to Soos.

Soos nodded and then picked up a big rock. "Hwwahhh! Let's do this dude!"

Wendy ran in the opposite direction, while Soos ran forward to reverse Dip. And began to throw rock at him.

"Is that really all you go-- ow!" Reverse Dip fell back feeling the after impact of a stone hit his face.

"Didn't see that one coming right dude?" Soos laughed.

"'ll pa-" He was then cut off again.

Wendy came from behind, using her Axe to slightly choke reverse Dipper.

"Don't underestimate us, you fake weirdo." Wendy said putting more force to the struggle. "Soos get something that we can tie him with, quickly!"

Soos nodded and ran off to pull some vines in the forest.

"Do you really think you've won? I just bought some time for someone you idiots haven't thought about...." Reverse Dipper snickered.

"What? What are you talking about?" Wendy questioned.

"Its only in a matter of time...."

"WENDY!" Out came the real Dipper with the two Stans behind him running towards us.

"Dipper!" Wendy said in happiness.

Reverse Dipper laughed, "Yes?" Reverse Dipper threw his three daggers at Dipper.

"OH NO! Look out Dipper!" Wendy shouted Stanely pushed him out of the way and dodge as well.

Wendy tightened her grip onto reverse Dip and growled.

R.D. laughed again, and this time the knives flew in mid air flaming blue.

"Fine, if you want to get in my way Stan so be it!" The daggers went straight for Stanely, but just in time Dipper jumped onto Stan blocking him from the major attack.

"DIPPER!" Everyone except reverse Dip said.

Dipper began to bleed out blood from his back as the three daggers deep injected inside of his back. He groaned and began to cough out blood.

"Dipper! Dipper! Stay with me goddammit!" Stanley pulled out one dagger at a time and Dipper groaned even louder.

Wendy didn't even notice but reverse Dipper slipped through her without notice. Until Soos came out and grabbed him.

"YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE DUDE!" He shouted getting everyone's attention.

"You...evil bastard!" Wendy shouted running to punch him in the face.

"Stop right there." Reverse Dipper stop her as his hand began to glow blue once more. He raised Wendy throwing her towards Soos. The two of them fell back.

"Looks like my plan worked well, Bill will just have to continue everything else now...." Reverse Dipper began to laugh.

"See you all when the END project is near!" Reverse Dip disappeared.

Everyone was left in silence. Wendy rose up from Soos and ran over to Dipper.

"Dipper! Dipper! Are you okay?! Speak please!" She shouted.

Abducted by my Lover (Bill Cipher X Reader X Dipper Pines)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя