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I had all my things packed like clothes , shoes , makeup , jewelry , and other things.. all crammed into 2 suitcases that felt like they weighed a ton. Aug told the crew and they looked as if they all were disgusted at me and I cant really blame them. I walked back upstairs to Aug's room leaving my suitcases by the door and went to get my purse because it contained my keys. I grabbed my purse walking right pass Aug.

"Give me the keys Yn." He said calmly.

"Whaa?" I said.

"You heard me!" He said kinda loud.

"But its storming!!!" I said.

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"Buts its storming!!!" I said.

"Idgaf Yn give me the damn keys!" He screamed.

I searched around in my purse until I came across the keys , I tossed them to Aug and kept going. I walked downstairs and heard the guys calling me hoes and how they knew Aug should've never trusted me and the girls butted in besides Jordyn.. that made my heart melt because I appreciated that felt like she knew where I was coming from but I immediately returned back into my sad/depressed mood knowing I had to walk to god knows where in the rain. I got my two suitcases and left out the door leaving my house key on the doorknob. I walked down the road in the storm crying. I was just having thoughts of suicide in my head about to give up when this all black Range Rover approached me and rolled down the window.

"Yn what the hell!" The voice said. I stared at the car but I couldn't tell who was the driver.

"Yn what are you doing in the rain? Come get in." They said I knew it was Roc.

I ran to his truck and put my suitcases in the back and hopped into the front seat.

"Yn why are you walking in the rain?" He asked.

"Aug put me out and took my car keys so I have no choice." I said sadly.

"Why would he put you out the house?" Roc asked scrunching his face up.

"Because he found out that I cheated with you... I wonder how." I said waiting on him to admit somethings.

"Ok Yn I told him .. not to end you guys' relationship but because I felt bad because I know how much you guys love each other and he texted me and was like 'Wassup' and I had to confess Im really sorry Yn but I know you guys will be back together in no time." He said and I could tell he was being honest.

"It's ok , at least you didn't lie about it so I cant be mad at you. And I don't think I want to be back with August anymore... It's best for him." I said.

"Why not you guys love each other so much!" He said.

"Like I said its best for him." I sighed.

"Where were you going?"  He asked.

"I honest do not know." I said.

"Your staying with me." He said.

"No Roc you've done waay to much for me! I can stay at a hotel." I objected.

"How much money do you have Yn?" He asked.

"Umm 3,000." I said embarrassed.

"Exactly you're coming to my house." He said.

"Thanks sooo much Roc." I said really thankful.

"Np Beatiful." He smiled and I blushed. "Yunno Yn I miss you a lot." He said.

The Housekeeper (Yn ft. August Alsina, Chris Brown & Roc)Where stories live. Discover now