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This world was black and white. There was no colour in sight. Sometimes people see a new colour, but everyone thinks they are crazy. There is a story about a person that was born with the sight of colour. They told their parents that there was a weird shade in the room. They described it as a warm one; one that fire felt like. The parents didn't know what to do because no one has ever seen such a thing. The parents wrote to the president. He sent his strongest armies to kill the child. Five days later, the armies came across the house and executed the child. No one ever spoke about it again.

Now it is 2016, where the world is still black and white. Some people see the colours and they are not killed. Instead, they are segregated. They get put into different categories. There are the ones that see one colour, ones that see multiple, and others that see all the colours. They get tested on or have some experiments done on them. People think that the ones with colour are from the depths of Hell, brought after all their sins were cured. Because they sinned, they would see the world much differently. A false reality, as some people say.

There is a new category that has been created. The Grays, as they are called. Once they are born, they see black and white. When they get older, they start to see new colours. One by one, they see every colour known to man. No one knows what causes this or what age you can get it. Only one person has it so far, and his name is Preston Blaine Arsement.

Colours // Poofless AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن