Chapter 1

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Preston's POV


I used to be a happy go lucky kid. I had everything that I needed; a good education, a family, friends, and a roof over my head. Everything was going well for me, but something didn't feel right. I would always overhear my parents talking about this thing called 'Colour' and how I had a chance of being able to see it. Being the curious kid I was, I asked my mom about it. She grounded me for a week. This made me think that the Colours were bad things and that if I had it I was bad as well.

When I was five, I went to kindergarten. The room was split in half. One side was full of happy children and the other side had frowns and tears. I went up to one of the crying children and asked what was wrong.

"We got p-pushed over here 'cause we can see stuff others c-can't," he had said, tears streaming down his face. That made me a bit upset. I sat down right next to him and talked with him, asking what it is like to see it. He answered and I made a little joke. He laughed. He wiped his tears away and I smiled.

"What are you doing?" my teacher asked me.

"I'm helping him, why?" I questioned.

"You are not supposed to be over here. Lets go over to the 'normal' kids," she said. I stayed in my seat.

"I like it over here," I had said.

"You have five seconds to move," she stated. I sat in my chair, not budging a bit.






She tugged at my arm and dragged me over to the other kids. I stubbornly sat next to a guy that was laughing at the other side. I didn't understand why I couldn't sit there. How were these kids more normal than them?

I sighed and went on with my day. I realized that everything was split. The bathrooms, the sitting area at lunch, even the drinking fountains! The other kids were not allowed to answer questions during class. They would be ignored.

When we had recess, I went up to the kid that I was talking to that day. We made jokes and laughed. He seemed happy. Then another teacher came and dragged me away. I looked back over and saw the child being moved over to timeout. I walked back over to him.

"Why are you over here?" I asked.

"Because I was talking to you," he replied sadly. I sighed.

"I'm sorry," I had stated, looking at my feet. I was leaning on the wall. Then I had an idea.

"What if I get in trouble and I get to be here with you?"

"You can try," he smiled.

I walked over to a teacher and kicked him.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

I kicked him again. And again. And again until I was showed the wall. I sat right next to the kid and made a joke about the teacher being weak. He laughed again. He said something funny. I giggled. We did this for the whole recess. It was the most fun I had in a while.

"Hey Preston," the kid stated, "thanks for hanging out with me. It means a lot."

"It's no big deal, I just like hanging out with you!" I exclaimed.

"I haven't even told you my name yet," he mumbled.

"Well, what is it?" I questioned.

"I'm Vikk," he said.

"That's a cooler name than Preston," I replied. He chuckled.

"As if!" he yelled. "Everyone spells my name wrong all the time! They spell it with one c, sometimes they even call me Victor! That's not even my name at all!" He goes on and on about how his name sucks, but I can't help but like it.

"Listen to how stupid mine is. Preston. My mommy and daddy couldn't think of a blander name," I sighed.

"But that is a name that won't be spelled wrong all the time," he said.

"So?" I questioned. "At least yours isn't common."

The whistle is blown and we were put into lines. I held Vikk's arm so he didn't get taken away again. I saw the same crying children in a different line and all of the 'normal' children in my line. My teacher walked us back into our classroom.

Much later it was finally time to go. I met back up with Vikk and we walk home together. It was nice. We chatted a bit more but mostly just enjoyed each others company. We made it to my house and I invited him in.

"Just don't mention that you can see colour, okay?" I asked. He nodded and we walked in. My mother walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"Who is this?" my mom asked.

"I'm Vikk Barns, nice to meet you." He put out his hand and my mom shook it. I could tell from her facial expression at she liked him already.

"It's nice to meet you as well. Do you know your parents' phone numbers?" she asked. Vikk gave her his moms' phone number and we headed up into my room.

"What colour is my room?" I asked him after I closed my door.

"It's red. Mostly everything in here is red or orange," Vikk replied looking around my bedroom.

"What does red look like?" I question. He takes a moment to ponder.

"It's in your face. It gets your attention. Fire is red, and stuff like that's red. Red also sort of pops out at you. We make fire trucks red 'cause we want people to see them. It stands out a lot," he states. I can picture something that might look something like it.

"What colour is this?" I hold up my little cactus and he has to think for a second.

"It's green. Green is springlike, it's very, ah, leafy. I always think that's how green feels. It kinda means healing, but I like green 'cause they say it inspires creative stuff. If you think of a really creative thing in your life, that's what green looks like." he stated.

"That's really cool! I wish I could see like you," I replied.

Suddenly my mother walked through the door and grabbed Vikk by the arm. She looked very upset.

"Out!" she yelled at him. That made him pull from my mothers grip and run for his life out into my yard.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry honey," she said, hugging me. "You can not invite people like him over."

"What do you mean?" I questioned as we split from the hug.

"The people that can see colour. They are very harmful," she said. "Why do you think they split the school?"

"But he was crying at school today. The kids and teachers were being mean to him," I stated. She sighed.

"If you do not stay away from them I will ground you again, okay? You don't want to be grounded, do you?" she asked.

"No," I mumbled. A smile danced across her lips.

"Thank you." She kissed my cheek and left me to my thoughts.

Flashback over.

I sigh and roll over in my bed. I still don't understand why my parents hate The Colours or why society in general hates them. What did they do to anyone? I find it annoying how no one will really tell me why they are bad. All they say is that they are not normal and don't deserve to be treated kindly. I find that very stupid.

I still hang out with Vikk. He just can't come over at all. Only the people that see black and white can come over. I have earned many great friends that can see colour, such as Jerome, Lachlan, and Brandon. I have also made friends that can't see it, which are Mitch, Kenny, and Choco. It's awesome knowing that I can have friends that don't hate The Colours and people that can see them.

I check the time to see that it is one AM. I close my eyes and snuggle up in my blankets. I have school in the morning, anyway. Soon enough I start to dream a wonderful dream where the world isn't segregated. 

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