Chapter 22

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Merry [late] Christmas and happy holidays everyone! I made this chapter long just for the holidays. I hope you all got what you wanted and spent some quality time with your family. Have an amazing day/night! < 3

Rob's POV

There's nothing you can do to stop this, so just forget about it. It's not effecting you in any way, so why are you so emotional about one teen coming into the lab? He could help further research about the things that we have yet to discover. Why'd you have to be so desperate to help this kid? He'll be fine... right?

I push myself backwards in my chair and stretch my arms. I've been sitting in this chair for about two hours now just trying to finish my work and get home. I don't want to be here when my brain is mush from regretting my actions. I just want to go home, eat, take a shower, and sleep.

"Ugh," I whisper to myself as I stand and gather all my items. "Why are you this way, Robert?" My cheeks meet the palms of my hands in shame. I sway my head back and forth. I really shouldn't be worried about this kid. He's not my problem, so why am I so concerned? Should I be concerned?

I do one last check of Arsement's cameras to see him staring at a rose. I don't remember the rooms having plants in them. Usually we make them all black and white to purify the subject. Many people wonder how we can make a room black and white when The Colours can see a shade of something that blatantly isn't there, but there are specific shades that are black and white to them. Not everything is as colourful as we once thought.

Scientist Fargus Daley from Scotland discovered which shades were really black and white while doing an experiment on a thirty-nine year old man from the Philippines in the year eighteen eighty-nine. The man had completely given up on life once a mob of angry pedestrians stormed his house in looks of him dying. That's when Daley was visiting Mindanao and saw the swarm. He took the man out of the house and kept him as his experiment. Sounds strange, I know, but that changed all of our theories about The Colours and the science behind them.

The man told Daley everything he knew about his own kind, from how there are three categories to what items were what colour. Items, such as paper and chalk, were white unless they were grey to the normal people. Wires and roads were black. Anything could be grey. There really weren't any certain items that were categorized as grey. By enough testing, Daley was able to figure out what exact shades were different colours. He named various shades and gave them descriptions for the Normals to understand. Before, The Colours were unable to describe what colour they really were seeing. They just said cold shade, warm shade, healthy tint, or a bright thing.

The word 'colour' wasn't a thing before Daley. They were known as 'Abnormals' before anything. The things they saw were also called abnormal. Daley gave them a less hostile title and description. Some would say that that was an idiotic thing for him to do. People wanted The Abnormals to sound like what they really are; not right and don't fit in this plain world. Yet, everybody calls them The Colours.

Even though it was never directly said in the Bible, people began to think that if you died and you sinned without confessing them, you would be brought back with a tainted sight. It's thought that they are brought back to cure those sins so once you die in this life, you will be able to go to heaven. I, personally, don't believe in this because there is a much better theory that states that multiple coloured cells were put into the Chroma Hue.

Biting my tongue, I shove the last paper into my bag and zip it up. I swing it over my shoulder and shove my way through the door. I pass by many other doctors that are either talking to one another, writing something down, or doing research on their computers. I feel my eyes become dull as I pass the room that all subjects are brought to once ready. Many people call it The True Lab, but I've always labeled it as the morgue. That's where all the patients go to die for our research. It's sad how many souls have been lost there. Every time I walk in there, I feel a cold chill pass through my body. 

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