Chapter 18

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Trying a new writing style. Tell me if you like it! {I tried to make this longer since I haven't updated in like a month, so you're welcome}

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! < 3

Vikk's POV

After math, I wander into the hall of people aimlessly walking to and fro from classes and clumping together to chat amongst themselves. Some walk into each other like blind moles while others dash away from the groups. Very few people head straight to their next class, most likely because right now is A lunch and everyone around us is a Roines. Most of the Roiness have A lunch, while the Nemhserf have B lunch. Eromohposs have C lunch, so the only other one that's left is D lunch for the Sroinujs. I have A lunch, so I head over to my locker to set my school items aside until lunch is over.

Placing my laptop at the bottom, I put my binder across the top with my book and notebook. I replace my pencil with a sharper one so I don't have to get up during class to sharpen it. Even if all I'm doing is allowing me to do my work, it's still embarrassing to have to get up; especially if you sharpen it and it breaks right as you try to use it again. Then you have to get up again and sharpen it again while everyone stares at you. It doesn't help that I sit in the back of the class in most of my classes, so that means I have to go down a long row, which I could get tripped by. When you're a Colour, you get tripped a lot. When I mean a lot, I mean so much that you have to look at the floor just to miss one. 

Once I was walking down the aisle and this one douchebag stuck his leg all the way across to stop me. Not being an idiot, I kicked his leg down and he just glared at me. Feeling accomplished with myself, I turned in my paper that I finished and went back to my seat through the same aisle. The same guy set his foot at the bottom of the row and made me trip, causing my to flop to the ground on my face. Everyone around me laughed, along with the teacher, but right after she sent the dude to the office. My nose hurt the rest of the day so much I thought it was broken. Luckily, it was fine. 

I slam my locker door shut and move the lock a bit to the right to be as far away from my real number. I shove my hands into my sweater pockets and head to the cafeteria. Usually when I go to lunch, I walk with Preston to make sure no stupid people start something with me. When he's gone, I usually get paper thrown at me, tripped, and random slurs spit at me. Yeah, it's not fun, but I've gotten used to it. We all have. I've just had the luck to find someone who is kind enough to "protect me" in a way.

I turn the right corner and spot the cafeteria. The fragrance of false chicken appears in my nose and almost makes me gag. It's mixed with the scent of mashed peas and instant potatoes that someone threw up in. Food shouldn't smell like that at all. You'd think I'd be numb to the smell now that I've been in school since reception, or kindergarten to all the true born Americans, but I'm not. Each day is a new disgusting smell that ruins my sense of smell each day.

I was truly born in England until my parents decided it would be safer for me to be in a school in America because I'm a Colour. Sadly enough, I don't think it would've made a difference if I was in England or here. My mum had a hard time in her school, from being stopped on her way home to having insults spewed by idiotic mouths. My father was nothing close to being a Colour. His whole family are Chromaphobes, so they weren't too pleased to hear that he was dating (soon to be marrying) a Colour. They "disowned" him for about six months until they figured out they just have to suck it up and deal with it. 

A year later, they gave their blessings to marry my mum. Mum's parents were a bit confused about the whole situation. You never hear about a Normie marrying a Colour, let alone a family retract their disowning.  I guess me being a thing is a fluke. There were so many things that could've stopped them from getting married, but somehow they got through it. 

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