Chapter 16

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Preston's POV

Mat swings me into some room and I land onto a glass table, which happens to shatter in the process. My back starts to ache from the impact, but my head takes most of the fall. Glass flings across the room and some land on me. I reach my hand up and grip the back of my head. Why do these types of things have to happen to me? This is just so stupid.

I hear someone running down the hall until I see them stop in front of the door. He looks at Mat and yells, "The fuck did you do?"

"I didn't mean to do it! It just happened." The guy grunts, rolls his eyes at him in disgust, and walks up to me. He crouches down and takes a look at my arms.

"No blood. Good." He reaches for my hand and pulls me up. I allow him to and we are met eye to eye. Suddenly his black eyes turn to a different colour, along with his hair. Mine widen at the change and I look at them confusingly. I've never seen this one before and it's kinda scaring me. I feel my heart beat faster and he looks at me strangely.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you my name. I'm Doctor Latsky, and you must be Arsement. It's nice to meet you." He shakes my hand and smiles. My face stays as a blank canvas.

"Did my co worker hurt you?" he asks. I shrug, not wanting Mat to get in trouble and kill me. My back does hurt, but my head is killing me.

"Okay, good," he says. "You're not much of a talker, are you?" I shake my head.

"Uhh, okay then..."

The tension between us starts to get very awkward, so I take a few steps away from him. He scratches the back of his head and looks away from me. I don't know what makes him stranger than Mat and anyone else I've ever met. Maybe it has to do with how he looks, or the state he found me in. It could be that he seems like he's ten years older than me or the unsettling colour on him as well.

"So... your birthday is tomorrow, right?" he questions. I nod. I don't know why I'm answering his questions. If I do, he'll use something against me and it'll kill me slowly. I can't trust anything about this place.

"You should have already concluded where you are, so I'll just tell you why you're here later." He turns around and walks out of the room, whispering something to Mat on his way out. Mat hands him something black and he puts it in his pocket. It looked to be in the shape of a phone, but it could have been something else. My heart jumps into my throat at the thought of them having my phone and getting all my information. They could send out a text to everyone saying that I'm fine when I'm really not.

Mat walks inside the room timidly with his hands behind his back and a guilty look on his face. He gives me a sympathetic smile. He has that strange tint on him as well, so I try to keep my distance this time.

"Look, I'm sorry for flinging you in here. I don't know what came over me," he says while looking down at his feet. I shrug. Maybe he's bipolar.

"It's okay. As long as I'm not seriously hurt, it's all good," I state. I actually want to punch him in the face for all of this trouble, but I don't want any test done on me. In this place, I have to be careful about my words and actions. One screw up and I'm hooked up to a brain transmitter and close to dead.

"...Seriously? Are you really not one bit upset that I broke a glass table with your back?" He looks up at me.

"Why be upset about something when it's in the past? There's nothing I can do to change it." I answer. He nods.

"Maybe I should have your look on life. Now, let me take to your actual place." Mat takes my arm and I oblige.

He leads me down a few hallways and we take a turn to the left. There, we walk a bit farther down and turn to the right. Down this hall are multiple doors that are shut and have no windows. He lets go of my arm and motions to the doors.

"Choose your room."

I wander down and open up the door farthest to the left. Inside, there is a bed with white blankets and grey pillow cases. There's a mirror in the corner that's outline is a mix of white and black, but it's very tiny. The rest of the room is painted dark grey with white carpet. Nothing's on the walls; no paintings or anything. Just a plain shade.

I think they made the colour scheme it this way so it makes the subject think this is the normal sighting when in reality it's not. The colourful view has opened up a new window for me, but it seems like everyone wants to close it and cover it. I wish I could go back in time to when it all started and somehow fix it.

Mat steps in front of the door and leans on the frame. "This room, huh? This is actually the biggest one we've got, so it's better to snatch this one up."

I nod and look a bit more. There's a side table with a lamp that has a black shade cover and a single rose on the side. The shade of red on it looks so peaceful, if that's how you can describe colours. This place seems to really like flowers. I don't know why they would. To them, it's all just three shades and boring. What makes them so interesting? I pick up the rose.

"What's this all about?" I question. He sighs.

"That's Rob decorating the place again. Can I see that real quick?" I hand it to him and he smells it. "Yep, this is defiantly Rob's doing. Do you want a vase for it?"

"Uh, sure. Thanks." While he walks off to the right to get a vase, I sit down on the bed to see how comfortable it is. I feel my body sorta sink into its grasp and I find myself lying down. If feels like I'm back at my house when everything was normal, I had my mom, my parents weren't devoiced, I didn't have this vision, I wasn't hiding secrets, and I wasn't here.

"I'm back," Mat states and sets the clear vase by my bed. I nod at him and he sighs.

"Well, welcome to your first day at The Lab." He hands me some paper and a few pencils and shuts my door.

I exhale and pull up my shirt and check my back. There I see a huge bruise on my left side. Good thing Doctor Latsky didn't check there. I pull my shirt down and get to entertaining myself. After all, I am going to be here for a long time.

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