Chapter 23

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I wrote this at midnight, so I'm sorry for spelling errors. < 3

Rob's POV

I trudge my way to my apartment door and feel my pockets for the key. I pull out the keychain and flick through the many keys that I can't remember go to what door. I find the correct one and stick it into the lock. Turning the nob to the left, the door becomes ajar and I slip inside.

Inside, I am greeted by a gust of chilled air and freezes my face a tad bit. Even my lab coat isn't enough to keep me warm. I manage to get through the cold and close the front door. With that being done, I walk forward and place my various items onto the sofa. Before I can even think about flopping onto it and taking a well deserved nap, I shiver from the icy conditions of my flat. I slide along the hardwood flooring all the way to the AC. Once I glance at the numbers, I am shocked to see that it's fifty-eight degrees. I quickly press the up arrow numerous times until it's up to seventy.

With that being done, I feel the stress of the day being pressed upon my shoulders. I reluctantly use my legs to walk into my sitting room and sprawl myself against it. My eyes shut I'm an attempt to rest them, but all I can think about is falling fast asleep until a thought of Preston comes to mind. My eyes automatically open again. I can't stand knowing that he probably is a Colour. He was never on our radar, though. You can't just go from undetected to obviously seeing something. It doesn't work that way.

No matter who you are, we know if you a Colour or not. We have a whole archive full of names, statuses, and categories. Right as Preston Blaine Arsement was born, we knew who he was. When a baby is born, it gets tested on to see if it is moved toward one shade or the other. They basically do what I wanted to do with Arsement; put them in a room full of black and white and one shade of a different colour. When Preston was born, he was marked as a Normie and we moved on to the next.

I can't fathom how he fell astray from our archive. That never happens. From my time working at Hues Eyes, not once have we found a patient that was categorised wrong. Every time we add a new camera to a different area, we gather the records of every single person living there if they are born in that city or town. Then, we use those cameras to scout out anyone older than eighteen to scoop into our lab.

Arsement was the exception. For some reason, Mat found him so interesting that he just had to be here. He even we to the limits of threatening me in ways he's never done before. It was actually quite scary. Though I still keep it in the back of my mind, he seems to have forgotten it even happened. If I had just stood my ground, this would have never happened. We could have just waited until he was Eighteen then got him. I wouldn't be as reluctant if he was eighteen when we got him. In fact, I am glad that he didn't get someone to capture him a few months ago.

Because he is becoming an adult tomorrow, I'm personally not as upset. The only reason I'm keeping up this is because Mat wants to continue grabbing teens and children. I will not allow that in the slightest. Children shouldn't have to go through this type of hell. It's cruel. In fact, no one should be here. If I could, I would get out every single patient and send them far away.

Sadly, I can't.

My eyes droop once my mind is put to rest from the Arsement issue. I feel my body become more and more lighter as I fall into a calming slumber. My heartbeat steadies itself into a slow pattern. My shoulder, which were once tense, relax themselves. Soon enough, I'm cast away into a much needed rest.

I'm shaken awake by a blinding light coming from the window next to my sofa. I use my hand to force myself to look around, but all I see is white upon white. I attempt to sense where I am by touching the top of the sofa's back. I feel the sofa crease that has been crafted into a permanent characteristic of my sitting room. It was formed after my countless sessions on Rlbmut just searching for things to cure my boredom.

I stand up shakily, still blinded by a light. For some reason, I feel that this isn't actually happening. I cover my eyes with my hands, but the shine doesn't go away. I pinch myself, but nothing happens. All I feel is a strong pain on my wrist.

Suddenly, everything starts changing. My vision isn't just a strong white; it's now something that I've never seen before. My heart stops and I sense myself flop to the ground. I land on my hip, but I don't care about the pain. What I care about is that I'm seeing a colour. As in something that isn't black and white anymore.

My body trembles. I can't even explain it. It's not a hot colour, but it's also not cold. It's almost in between in a way.

My brain clicks and I recognise the name of this shade. Yellow. Like the sun is supposed to be.

My vision begins flickering. It goes from this yellow, to a cold seeming colour. Blue. Then to a healthy shade. Green. It continues to filter through all the shades of colours that I learned of.

I can't help but mutter out a shout. I close my eyes, but it refuses to dissipate. Picking up my body from the cold floor with my hands, I scoot myself to the sofa's siding and prop my back against it.

I glue my eyes shut with my hands to attempt to calm myself, but all it does is stress me even more. My stomach flips in on itself as the colours go faster and faster until it lands on one shade.

It's a shade that wasn't shown while flipping through the wheel of tones. This one is very close to black. Many people supposedly have this eye and hair colour.


Instantaneously, it alters from my whole vision to just one picture with this brown shade. I bite my tongue and grit my teeth from shouting out at the image.

It's Preston Blaine Arsement's eyes.

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