Chapter 13

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Preston's POV

"We are almost done with our Colours lesson. I know a lot of you have been wondering how we would wrap this up and if we would ever get to the legends. Well, I decided that we'll end it with a test. Because your senior year is almost done, it's going to be a bit longer than usual. It will cover every single thing about The Colours, even some stuff we haven't went over. It could be the names of all the colours in the colour wheel, all the categories of The Colours, or some of the top legends. So, you better start using the internet for something useful," Mr. Pleb went on. He keeps talking, but I ignore him. I don't really need to listen in this class anymore. I've already got a one hundred three percent in this class from extra credit.

I already know every single detail about them. I've been doing research ever since Valentine's Day. I still got to say, that was probably one of the worst days of my life. I already know all the basic colours, every part of the brain that can decided if you are one, the categories, every single legend, and much more. It's actually pretty easy to learn all this stuff. The only thing I don't understand is how I can see this without seeing it for the first seventeen years of my life.

I've made so many hypotheses just to put my brain to rest, but none of them could be turned into theories. One thought I have is that my brain wasn't done adapting when I was born, so the process was put to a halt until it was able to put more cells in the Chroma Hue. That's one of the more reasonable ones. Most of mine are insane. Another one that is that I am a product of a new species. My brain is more advanced than the others or something along those lines. All I know is that this thing I have is probably due to more cells going into the Chroma Hue or my cells are mixing in the Mic Culoare even more, causing me to see things I've never seen. I'd like to call myself the first 'gray' of my time. I call myself that because I'm in the middle. I used to see only black and white, but now I can see the beautiful side of the spectrum.

I spot everyone pulling out their computers, so I do so as well. When I do and open the screen, I see something I've never seen before. It's almost a red shade, but much lighter. Confused, I log in and go straight to Elgoog. It pops up with something called 'pink'.

I groan quietly to myself in despair. I thought that I could already see all the colours. Now there's something else? What's next; am I going to see that my eyes aren't actually black? More than half of the school has black eyes, so I'd think that that's the actual colour.

Annoyed at my new ability, I decide to open up the online book Mr. Pleb assigned us earlier in the year. I click on chapter six out of ten. I know he didn't mean to give us this chapter. Whoever wrote it is crazy and probably wants every Colour dead. It was never assigned to us, but I'm sure many people read it out of curiosity. Me being one of them.

How to Spot The Colours

To many, it's almost impossible to tell if someone is one of them. In reality, it's really easy. With these few steps, you will be on your way to recognize any of your friends as a Colour.

Step one: Try to see what items attracts their attention the most. This may be harder to notice for Toate Culorile's because they see all the colours. They wouldn't only stare at certain colour. This mostly works on Multe Culori's and O Singură Culoare's, which are people who see multiple and only one colour.

What most do in an awkward situation is look at whatever catches their eye, let it be a painted wall, tile, or the shade of someone's hair. If you can figure out what they always look at, you can try and figure out what colour that is. Then in the next situation, find what they look at again and see what colour it is. Repeat ten times and then look over the data. If you find that there is a pattern that has at least five, then they are part of them. You should then go to them and ask.

Step two: If you think they are one that can see all of the colours, then you're going to have to get simple. Ask them if they are a Colour and wait for their reaction. A Colour's eyes will get widened, will talk quickly, bite their lip, hold their hands together, and be over dramatic. The Normals will just deny it and maybe shrug.

Step three: If none of those work, this is a last resort to figure it out. Grab any object and go up to them and ask what shade it is. If they do not answer the correct shade, such as dark grey, black, or white, go back to step two.

I stop reading there. I feel a little uneasy that someone wrote that of all just to find out if someone can see it. Do people really want to find out so badly? I don't know why someone would want to, but I'm not going to interrogate it.

I hear the loud ring of the bell signalize that class is over and Mr. Pleb shoos us out of the room. All the students start piling out of classes and huddling together. I put my laptop in my bag, gather my binder and papers, and head out the door.

Needing to grab my English stuff, I speed-walk to my locker. I bump into a few students and yell 'Sorry' over my shoulder. Once there, I find that it's jammed. Sighing, I kick the red thing three times and it opens. I shrug to myself and snatch up the items and put my science supplies in my bag. Sprinting down the hall, I make it to Mrs. Drift's class.

Mrs. Drift is one of those teachers that look like they shouldn't be teachers. She looks too nice to be here. If I was her, I would get out of this place as soon as I could. Almost every teacher here is a jag and always has a frown on their face, other than her and Mr. Pleb.

"Glad you made it," she greets and smiles at me. I nod, leaning on my desk. I suddenly feel myself have to use the bathroom. I casually stand up straighter and sway a tad.

"Same," I pant out of breath. "If you don't mind, I'm going to use the restroom."

She nods at me. "I won't count you tardy."

I grin, thank her, and I make my way down the hall that got relatively more filled. I whirl around students and staff, making sure to not bother anyone. It's much harder than you think. It seems like I run into everyone in this school, even if there is one person in the hall. I'm a klutz, I know.

I make it to the restroom in one piece and go up to a urinal. Right before I unzip my zipper, I hear someone enter. They walk into one of the stalls and use the bathroom. Their boots sound very heavy, almost like they're made of pure steel.

After I'm done, I flush and wash my hands. The guy that walked in finishes his business walks up to the sink next to me. Right before I look in the mirror to see who it is, a large impact hits my head and I fall to the ground. On the way down, I slam my head on the sink.

The pounding worsens as the guy hits me with whatever he has again in the back. It feels like something is spewing from my head, but that could just be delirium talking to me. I have been insane for the past three months.

I lift my head and open my eyes to try and see who it is, but he pushes me back down with his foot and keeps it there. The sole of the boot feels like it's made of needles and glass. He sets his hitting device on the ground and it sounds like a metal rod or something.

"You're going to need this," he mumbles. I try to recognize the accent, but I can't tell who it is. There are a lot of British people in my school, surprisingly, so it's not like I can automatically tell.

He picks up my head with his rough hands and puts a cloth up to my nose. I hold my breath, knowing it's probably chloroform. Soon enough, I don't have enough air in my lungs and I'm forced to breath in. The pungent smell hits me like no other and I start to cough. Soon enough, I feel myself going under like I knew I would.

I couldn't just hold it, could I?

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