Chapter 11

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Rob's POV

I walk into the break room and sit down. It's lunch time for us right now, but I don't feel like eating. I just want to take some time away from work. I feel so guilty for giving up that easily to Mat. Children should not have to come here, even if they're a Colour. It's too much for them. We were trained for adult situations, not how to do anything on a child. At college, we never learned how preforming on them could effect them in the future. I don't know if that category pertains to teens as well. If it does, it's just more trouble on us to make sure we have everyone. The article Choco wrote had things about all ages from two to seventeen. I really don't think we can be put up to that challenge without hiring double the crew. With that in thought, we would also have to be able to pay said people. We don't have enough for that many people unless we get some extremely smart people who are willing to do it for free. I really doubt that. 

If somehow we got enough people in here for enough pay, we would still need to have more cameras set up in certain places. We do not have the money for that kind of stuff. We are just getting by with the millions we have here. Even though that's a lot, it goes by real quick. We can go into debt real easily. In case you don't know, surgery takes a lot of money. We need to buy and ship all the supplies while making sure some pro-colour person doesn't shut us down. 

We're not trying to be so racist against them. We just think that the world would be much better off without someone who claims to see something that's clearly not there. They are very out of place in the world. If we are able to cure them, why wouldn't they want it? We may be in the process of finding the perfect way to get rid of the Chroma Hue without harming the Occipital lobe, but it takes people who are willing to be tested on to help us find a way to save everyone. Sometimes we have to test some people who aren't willing, but it's for the benefit of the world.

I don't actually hate them as much as half the people who work here. Jon and I are actually kinda open to them, but some people like Mat want them gone for good. My mom and dad always told me stuff about The Colours and how I could help humanity by getting rid of them. It thrived me to become a scientist and help the world. I finally got a Master's in Visionary Arts and Chromic studies. That's all just fancy words for the science of Colours. Afterwards, I got a job here. This place is called 'Hued Eyes' believe it or not. As I kept working here, I've realized how they are people too who are real special and lucky to see the things they see. I would stop working here, but my parents are too proud of me and I have nothing to fall back on. 

"Hey Latsky," I hear a voice greet while they open the door. I look up to see the one and only Choco. He is the youngest scientist here. He had once told me he goes to Wichita Falls high school in Texas. I was surprised he decided to come all the way to our facility instead of one in his state. It may only take about forty minutes to get here, but that's a far way to drive for a someone who probably only got their license a couple years ago. If I was his age, I definitely wouldn't drive to Oklahoma.

"I've told you before, you can call me Rob," I state while waving him to sit with me. He does as I motion and he shakes his head.

"Sorry. I just forget sometimes, Rob." He starts repeating Rob over and over again to try and remember. I just shake my head slightly and smirk.

"You're here earlier than usual," I acknowledge.

"Well, I already have enough credits for all my classes, so why not skip it? This place is much better than school anyway," he replies, setting his head on his hand to hold it up. 

"Yeah, I guess. School gets pretty boring when you know everything about everything," I say. He nods.

"Definitely. Oh, I forgot to ask earlier, did you look at my study yet? I think this could be a good mindset," he states. 

"Yeah, and me and Mat talked it over. We're going to start it up, but there are a few things that could make it go to a dead stop," I fib. There are way more than a few and Mat didn't talk it out with me. It was more like force than anything. 

He says, "Okay, great. And it's fine if it can't go through. We've been good the way we've been doing it for years, right?" 

"Right." I nod my head even though I want to say no. It's just not right. At least he isn't saying it absolutely has to happen. He's very open-minded. That's better than a control freak like Mat.

"Well, I'm going to check in now and get to work. I'll talk to you later." Choco stands up and walks toward the door. I nod and he does a little wave on his way out. I sigh and lean back in my chair. 

I know that I should be open-minded like him, but it's hard when you know it's wrong. I should look up some information on him to know what I'll be dealing with, but I don't want to. Anything to do with some kid is just wrong. 

I force myself out of my chair and out the door. Down the hall is my room. I dread going in there, but at least Mat isn't in for the day. Today is his one day off, which is a Wednesday. I push through the heavy, light grey door and into my office. I plop down at my desktop in a tired way and type in my simple password. It's so simple that people don't even guess it. It's the alphabet spelled backwards. 

I click on Arsement's file and observe his records. The info says his whole name is Preston Blaine Arsement, he's five foot ten inches, seventeen, brown eyes, brown hair, male, no mental issues, white, and not yet determined to be a Colour or not. At the time of this record being made, he is single, not married, no children, only child, goes to school atWichita Falls high school, and lives with his father. 

It says his birthday is on May fourth, which means that he will most likely be an adult when in here. A sigh of relief escapes my lips and I slouch over. That's actually extremely great. We won't have to actually bring him in as a teen. At least we can use all the information we've learned from college to figure out why people say he's part of the Colours.  The only thing is that there will be more children in here. It's not just going to stop with him. I guess he'll be our test subject because he will still have the mind of a teen and won't be having to do taxes. 

I close out of the file and then something pops into my mind. 

Wait, did it say Wichita Falls high school or did I just imagine that part? That's the one Choco goes to.

I open it back up and it stares back at me. This whole situation seems to be to perfect that my brain starts to add up this plan. He'll be an adult when in here, so this is going to work out. It's perfectly fine if he's in here.

I walk out of my office after logging out of my computer and search for Choco. I know he works in his own small office, but I don't know which one. Eventually I find it and open the door without knocking.

"Choco, you're not going to believe this."

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