A Summary of Last Year (Please read this :))

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Hello everyone. Happy new year! *Pulls party poppers* And before anyone says anything, twenty sixteen sucked no matter how you look at it. There were some good things about it, mostly for this account and my social life (which I don't have), but in the world it wasn't good. I would try to ignore all the horrible things that happened, but with how the year turned, we can't not mention some things. 

Firstly, the America Election. In my opinion, it was going to freaking suck no matter who got elected. In case you have been living under a rock this whole 2016, the candidates that actually had a chance were Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. America elected Trump. There are so many things wrong with the both of them that I could write about two thousand words for each, but I'm gonna save my breath. Basically, Trump is going to destroy that country. 

Next, so many celebrities deaths. I mean, SO MANY. There were eighty-two stars that passed in just four months. It makes me sad to think about that. With how many that had died, it made me think about how so many of them could have been one of my favourite YouTubers. With that in mind, that's how so many people felt this year. May they all rest in peace.

Next, the shooting in Orlando, Florida. On June twelfth, a hateful man who hated the LGBT+ community killed 49 people and wounded 53 others in inside of a gay nightclub. It makes me question what was going on through that man's mind. It doesn't make any since to me as to why he decided to do those wrong choices to all those innocent people. Again, I hope all that have passed in this tragedy rest in peace.

Lastly,even though there are so many more to talk about, a gorilla died for no reason. Harambe was killed in the Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio because a parent was neglectful and let a boy fall in. Harambe didn't hurt the child, but they all decided to kill the gorilla. This isn't a serious one, but others would tell you otherwise. There are so many backers for Harambe, so he will forever live in our hearts.

Even with all those horrific things that have happened in twenty sixteen, there are some good things that have happened. The following are mainly Wattpad and YouTube accomplishments for the communities I'm apart of and for us.

Now, who all here know about Dan and Phil? Now, who ships them? Well, I am proud to say that I EXTREMELY want to write something about them. It may be a Phan one, it might just have them as characters. I have a plot all ready, so I may write it. And I am sad to say I am no longer apart of The Pack fandom. This is why I'm not writing that one plan I had in the summer. I feel bad for having people make covers when I'm not even going to use it. Even though I am sad about it, I can't just write it if I'm not interested in it anymore. I hope you all understand this. 

I am completely aware that I will probably lose followers because I am not going to be writing Poofless after this book is finished. I am interested in this book, though. Not because of the people in it, but because of the plot I have for it. I will always be proud of this book, Colours, and Dreams vs Reality, so I will never delete them. You can read them over and over if you'd like. 

With Phan, I have always been interested. No matter what, I could always watch one of Dan or Phil's videos and smile. With The Pack, I've just lost interest. Minecraft, to me, is dead. I don't watch any more channels having to do with Minecraft. I'd like to say I've matured, but that's not the case at all. I've just become more obsessed with these two giant nerds and Undertale and other games. Hell, I've even purchased The Amazing Book is Not on Fire and Dan and Phil Go Outside. Dapgo hasn't been shipped to me yet, but it will this week. I've also watched The Amazing Tour is Not on Fire on YouTube. 

Twenty sixteen has been the best year for any Phan members and for both of them. They have gone on tour with with their stage show and I have never been so proud. Dan and Phil seem so happy now that they have gone around the world and seen all their fans. This year, you could see the "love" for each other. I am saying that in quotes because I see it as they are happy to have each other by their side and as their best friend. I'm so happy for them and all that they have accomplished. I can't wait to read their new book and see what this year has to bring for the two of them. You never know, maybe a cheeky proposal? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) {I swear that's a joke}

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