Chapter 21

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Aye! Now, before anyone starts saying anything, yes. I did take about a month off from this story and I'm truly sorry. I wasn't planning to, though. If I did, I would've told you all. It just kinda happened. School, along with the election in America, has been stressing me too much. The only thing that has been on my mind recently is my future and if everything's going to turn out okay. 

I'm not going to turn this into pity for myself. I just telling you all what's going on. I am on Thanksgiving break, so I'll attempt to update another time this week. Don't take my word as gospel, though. I don't know if I'll go through with it. 

Enough about me, how are all of you doing? Tell me about how your week has been if you'd like. I'd love to hear about it. 

Anyway, I hope you all are doing great. Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy this chapter, and stay safe. < 3

Vikk's POV

As I exit my fifth period class with worry about Preston still filled in my mind to the brim, I ponder the possibility of what Josh had said. He seemed very serious about Simon being in a lab. I've personally never seen him so solemn about any subject. Then again, I've never talked to the guy. Every time I do hear him in classes, he sounds like a preppy, fun, and annoying guy. 

If Simon could be in a lab, couldn't Preston be there too? The likelihood of both of them actually being in a lab are very low, but I really don't know. Yes, he started acting odd on Valentine's Day, but... I just can't see him being one. If he was, he would've been acting odd his whole life. None of this is lining up. 

Almost everything I think of has the word 'but' in it. Of course it does. Nothing about this hypothesis makes a lick of sense. Preston's family is strictly Chromaphobic, so there is no possible way he could have been born that way. If he was, he would've slipped at least once and that'd be the end of him. Now I know that sounds insane, Preston getting killed by his mother, but it would happen. She's a demented lady. 

I clench my eyes shut for a moment to process my thoughts. So I don't get trampled by anyone, I step backwards and find the wall to lean against. My fingers grip my binder and I pull it to my chest. My laptop bag dangles next to me on my right shoulder. My teeth seem to grind together as I think about any other situation Preston could be in. Students passing by me brush my sweatshirt and move the air around me to sway my hair back and forth. I make a sound that can't be distinguished as a sigh or a moan in frustration.

I wish I had a better understanding of Simon to know if he has any signs of being a Colour. I may have talked to him a tad bit when I was younger, but that was before he went into the Menside. He's a completely different person now. He could be a sociopath for all I know.

I blink open my eyes and join the wave of people swarming their way down the hall to their classes.  I can do more thinking about this in my study hall. Usually I just sit and read a book to pass time, but this time I'll actually be getting something done. 

When I stroll down the steps into the lower section of the school, I feel like I can breath more easily. With less people downstairs, the stink of sweat, puberty, and Exa Body Spray lifts from my nose and is replaced with mustiness and books from the nearby library. I'd still rather this than the claustrophobic feeling when wandering the halls upstairs and the horrid stench. 

I peer down the hall and begin walking to my study hall. On the left is Mr. McLoughlin's class, which is where I'm going. He's the Sroinujs Biology teacher. If you get him, it's safe to say you'll have Mr. Pleb as a teacher next year. Mr. McLoughlin was my favourite teacher last year. He did this thing where if he got ten thousand dollars for a charity about helping the depressed and bipolar people, he would dye his hair green. The school, being Colour fanatics, all pitched in to help hit the goal. Soon enough, he had his head as green as it could get. He also got the Sroinujs Language teacher, Mr. Fischbach, in on dyeing his hair too. 

Colours // Poofless AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora