Chapter 15

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Rob's POV

Walking into my office, I sit down and set my head in my hands. I hate how Choco decided to get Arsement in here. Why couldn't he have waited to order someone until he was eighteen? It's one day away, but he thought it'd be great to get him here now. We can't do any test on him until tomorrow, but he could become too curious of where he is and wander. Mat came up to me before to ask if we could chain him down, but I automatically vetoed it. He let me have my victory for once.

I know that Mat will do something to him today, but I don't know what. He could do a brain scan to see something, but anything else could lead to brain damage. It may only be one day away until he's an adult, but we can never be too sure. I'm not chancing anything. 

"Um, excuse me, Doctor Latsky?" a voice calls from behind the door. I shout "come in" and they enter. 

Once in, I see it's the receptionist of Hued Eyes. He's the first person we see when we walk in. All he does all day is paperwork and finds room for the new 'patients' that come here. He makes the orders for the equipment that's needed for surgery. He's always finding where to put the next camera to find the most Colours. You could say that he's the brain of the operation. 

"Hey, Dan. I thought I told you to call me Rob," I state. I look down at his hands and he's holding a clipboard with stacks of paper. 

"Ah, yes. Sorry. That slips my mind sometimes." He pushes his fringe to his left and smiles. "So, I found some new areas for cameras, but I need a few of them approved and such." He hands me a few papers with locations splattered all over with descriptions of each. 

"Thanks, I'll get back to you with this," I acknowledge. He nods and heads out the door.

I snatch a pen from my desk and click it open, biting the gripper part while reading. I cross off the places that I don't want cameras at and put a dot by the ones that could possibly be a good fit. Only two out of forty places get a dot, but I still go back to read them again.

Toronto, Ontario: There is a study showing that about nineteen percent of all of Canada's Colours are located in Toronto.  The rest are splattered around Canada or in Quebec. If we were to add a camera somewhere around there, we could find possibly around four hundred Colours and get them to a surrounding laboratory. We wouldn't have to do the surgery on them and we would get a fair cut from the lab if we play out cards right. It'd be a win-win process for everyone. 

The downfall is that this place has a large population, causing people to possibly find the camera and question it. We would just have to hide it very well somewhere people wouldn't expect. Other than that, I find it one of the best fits. 

Slaton, Texas: This small town has six thousand people living there and it's only about twenty minutes away from Lubbock, which has about two hundred thirty thousand people. We could set one up there to not have attention drawn to it. The average amount of Colours you would find would be around thrity, though. It's also three hours away from us, which would allow us to get them here instead of giving them to another lab.

The con of this place is that not many people live here, so we wouldn't get a great profit. It'd be good to rid the town of The Colours, though. And sometimes it's good to slow down the process. 

I cross out Slaton because it just wouldn't give us a lot more people than we're already getting from the surrounding area. 

Sighing, I look at the clock to see it's two fourteen. I get off my shift at five thirty today unless someone wants me do do something. I stand up and stretch, getting ready to head to Dan's place and give him the paper. 

I use my fingers to move back my hair out of my face and I fix my coat. I open my door and turn to the right. I make another right and head towards his office. There, his door is closed and he's talking with someone. I try to peer through the window to see who it is, but the glass is designed to not let people see though. 

I knock and he opens it. I hand him the papers and he gives me a smile. 

"So, did you finally choose more than one?" he asks while flipping through the stack. 

"Nope. I'm too stubborn for that," I joke. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Well," he says, "this looks good. All I need now is for you to sign here and I'll get Jon to put a camera or two up there." He hands me a pen and I sign the line. 

"Thank you!" he exclaims. 

"No problem. Just doing my job." 

With that, he closes his door and gets back to talking with whoever's in there. Before he does, I get a quick glance at the person. They have glasses on, black hair, and a grey jumper. 

Danny boy's got himself a boyfriend, I guess.

I laugh to myself and head back to my office. There, I see Mat running down the hall, dragging someone along with him. I shake my head at the lunatic and head back to work. I don't know if I should be worried for the person he's with or just ignore it. 

Suddenly I hear a big crash. 

I think I should be worried.

I rush out of my office and sprint down the hall where they were running. I don't see any wreckage from anything, but I see a single light on in one of the patient rooms. 

Oh God, what did he do now?

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