Chapter 6

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Preston's POV

"Preston!" I hear someone yell to me. I look up to see Vikk right in front of me. He seems to be very considered about something, but I don't know what.

"Uh, what?" I reply to him. 

"Class has ended about two minutes ago and you have been staring at that red sign! Are you okay?" He points at the picture I was just looking at. My mind suddenly clicks and I realize that I am in Mrs. Faye's math class still. 

"Yeah, just really fazed today," I lie. Should I just tell him? 

"You and I both know that that is a fat lie," he states as we walk out of the room. The halls have a few students left, but most are already in the the cafeteria. Vikk and I walk side by side, both of our hands gripping our school supplies. I gulp, trying to keep my nervousness down.

We make it to our lockers and I start to open mine. Because our last names are close together in alphabetical order, we have our lockers relatively close. His is only six lockers away, while Jerome's is two away to the left. It's cool to know that all of my friends are near me. 

"It's not a lie."

I open up the weird-coloured locker and see my bare space. All that's in here are my Language Arts and Social Studies items along with my backpack. I tug my laptop bag off my right shoulder and set it at the bottom of the locker. I pull out my other two subjects' items and set them by the bag. The other objects I am holding go on the small shelf that is installed already. I'd like to say that my locker is one of the most tidy.

I slam my door shut, waiting for Vikk to close his as well. I spot him shake his head and sigh. I know that he knows something is up. I can't lie to him. We've been friends since kindergarten. We both know when the other is lying.

He closes his and takes me by the arm. My stomach starts to form butterflies. Oh god, what is he going to do? I just look at my feet.

"I know you don't actually like Lachlan," he states. My head shoots up and I see him smiling at me. "I just wanted to see how far you could go into the lie. You're hiding something else from me. You do know you can tell me anything, right? Do you trust me?"

"O-of course I trust you," I stutter. 

"Then you better tell me soon." He lets go of my arm and starts walking towards the cafeteria. I speed up to stroll beside him. 

Our steps are in unison while we walk. All that is heard are our footsteps and the faint shouts from the lunch room. I start to think about what Brandon and Kenny are planning. What could they be doing that Vikk and I can't know? Is it something to do with Valentines Day, or just some surprise for the two of us?

"Wait," he tells me before I walk off to sit at my table.

"What?" I question.

"Ah, never mind. I'll tell you later," Vikk states. I nod and make my way to my table. It is one of the nearest ones to the door, so I never have to worry about getting weird stares from people. I feel bad for Colours because they have such a far walk and always get picked on. 

I take my seat and Kenny is already there sitting right in front of me. Choco and Mitch are always late, but I know Mitch has a reason. He is in Ms. Robnick's class and she is the worst Social Studies teacher ever. All she does is have the students do by themselves and if there is even on peep from anyone, they have to stay after class for four minutes. I don't know how she isn't fired yet. 

"Hey, Preston," Kenny greets me. 

"How's it going?" I inquire. He just shrugs.

"It's fine, not much has changed today. Same old, same old," he replies.

"Same. Wait, you're in Mr. Pleb's science class next, right?" I ask.

He states, "I do, why?" 

"Because today we are learning all about The Colours and we have to read our chapter reading for homework," I state. He nods.

"That actually sounds cool!" he exclaims. 

"It is, just pay attention and you might want to take notes. There is a lot of info in the first few paragraphs."

Just as I finish my sentence, Mitch rushes to our table. He quickly pulls out the left chair next to me and tries to hide himself underneath the table. It happens so fast I jump back from him.

"Mitch, what are you doing?" I yell at him. 

He doesn't even have to answer because I hear someone storming towards us. I look to my right and see Jerome and Brandon sprinting towards us. They stop right in front of Kenny and me, looking for Mitch.

"Mitch, get out from under there you coward," Jerome exclaims.

"What did he do?" Kenny asks Brandon. 

"He stole my gift I got from Kara," he states. Jerome walks around us and lifts Mitch by the waist. He starts kicking and squirming, trying to get out of Jerome's grip. 

"Let go!" he commands. Jerome just shakes his head.

"When you give Pete's gift back," he states. Jerome is one of the only people that call Brandon Pete.

"Fine, fine," he replies. He uses his free arm to go into his pocket and pulls out a ring. Brandon snatches it out of his hand and onto his ring finger. It is grey, but I don't know what real color it is.

"Can I see that?" I question. Brandon nods and holds out his hand to me. Kara and his ship name in engraved into the band with a little heart at the end. 

"Aww," I state. He lifts his hand away from me and inspects it himself. "What colour is it?" 

"It's gold, so I guess yellow-ish," he says.

"Do you guys know if Choco is here today?" Mitch buts in when he is put down. He dusts himself off as if Jerome had tons of stuff on him. 

We all shake our heads. Choco was just talking to me the previous day, so I don't really know where he could be. He might have gotten put in ICU today. ICU is where students go if they don't finish their homework or schoolwork.

"ICU maybe," I say. Everyone nods and starts heading towards their table. Mitch sits down and lays his head down.

"What's for lunch?" he croaks out. I chuckle at him and try to remember what it is.

"I think it is chicken tacos with a churro, but I'm not quite sure," Kenny states.

"I don't care what it is, I'm hungry," Mitch sighs. 

Suddenly, a loud crash comes from the west side. I glance over and see Lachlan and Brandon battling for a chair next to Vikk. They have their arms in fighting position, but I know they won't actually punch each other. Brandon will probably give up the chair, but he looks like he won't give up without a fake fight.

"What's up with that?" Kenny asks.

"Probably trying to find out who can marry Vikk," Mitch banters. We all laugh and spot Lachlan sit next to Vikk. I guess he won.

The lunch aid calls our table and we make our way to the lunch line. It is tacos and a churro. I'm surprised he remembered. We go through the line, thanking the ladies for the food and I grab a bag of Doritos. I go to the check out area and pay for my food. 

I am the first at the table to eat while Kenny is second, leaving Mitch last. He frowns as he sits down. Kenny and I just laugh at him. We start talking about random things that happened today, but I don't say a word about the colour.  

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