Chapter 10

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Totally didn't add a lot of Twenty One Pilots lyrics into this chapter. I've just been obsessed with them recently, so I was listening to them while writing. Tell me how many you found and list them. There are 10 in total. Good luck and enjoy the chapter! < 3

(Btw, when I was reading the chapter to total all the references, I almost didn't find like three. I might have over looked a few still.)

Preston's POV

"How is it already May?" Mitch asks us all as we sit at the lunch table. I shake my head and move my shoulders.

"Maybe because we have been wanting this year to end," Choco states. I groan and set my head on the table. Everyone around me chuckles, but they don't know the truth at all.

Kenny says, "Preston is extremely ready for the school to end, I guess." I nod my head.

The past three months have been hell. For one, my mom and dad divorced and haven't told me the reason yet. Then my mom had to go to some place for help because she has an alcohol problem. I still don't know where she is. She could be all the way across the country for all I know. I've been staying with Dad for a while. He started getting off work early so I would have someone home with me. He's much more open to the colours than my mom. I've never knew this before. Then I've had to live with seeing these odd colours. I saw red and green; I thought I was done after that because I didn't see any more colours after that for a month. Then I saw blue and orange. After that month, I woke up one day to see yellow and purple. I know that this month I'm going to see two more, but there are no colours left except the basic black and white. Whenever I look up any colours, those are the only ones that pop up.

You have no idea how scary it is to now know what you've been missing your whole life. It makes you think that your whole life has been one big dream. It turns your thoughts and feelings into these huge piles of nothingness. Every time you think about what was, your whole body twitches and shakes. It makes your heart pound and your stomach hurt until you're in the bathroom throwing up. You want to spoon out your eyes and pull your hair. You bite your nails until there isn't any to bite. You also have to keep this all in until you almost break down every night trying to go to bed. You can't fall asleep because you have too many thoughts in your head and you just want to scream. Please, just set me free.

It's difficult to come to school now because I know that almost everyone here is a chromaphobe. I don't understand why they hate the colours so much. Just because the Bible has a legend that states that the colours are from the Devil. People think that the ones with colour are from the depths of Hell, brought after all their sins were cured. They also think they're evil to the core. Because they sinned, they would see the world much differently. People think it's a false reality, but I think it's the true world. This image that has been left with me doesn't seem fake. The black and white vision is the imaginary one. Can someone release me from the present?

"Preston, you okay there?" Choco starts shaking my head and I just sigh.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

"Yeah, just tired. You know, the usual."

"This isn't normal," Kenny says. "You used to be so full of life just a few month ago. Now you can't seem to keep your head up, let alone stay in a conversation."

"Yeah," Mitch says. "You barely even pay attention in class anymore." I shake my head and laugh softly.

"That's the day I just realized that we're graduating this year. Besides, when I'm out of school, I'm not going to need any of this." Choco just face-palms.

He says, "Do you even have a plan of what you're going to do?"

I think on that for a moment. "Nope."

All the guys around me drop their heads on the table. I just shake mine at them.

"I'll be fine, guys. Don't worry about it."

"What grades do you even have?" Kenny asks me.

"All A's," I say. "Why?"

He replies, "I'm trying to find you a job."

"But what if I want to be jobless?" I question.

"Then," Mitch states, "You'll be living on the streets needing money."

I groan. "I'll be fine, I promise. Besides, my birthday is in two days. That means I am officially an adult."

"Oh, yeah. Today's the second. Now I need to buy you something," Choco says. "Are you having a little get together?"

"Maybe, but you don't have to get me anything. All you guys would have to do is show up." They all nod at me.

I smile at them, but not because I'm happy; because I know if I don't, they'll soon figure it out. I don't want them to, though. Why did this experience turn me insecure and make me care what people think? I didn't used to be like this at all. I just need to stop thinking too much.


I start walking down the halls with my laptop and bag in my hands as I hear footsteps run up behind me. I turn my head to see Vikk with his hand on my shoulder to slow me down. He starts to exaggerate his breaths and I laugh.

"Don'," he sighs. I just chuckle harder. He pushes me lightly and I slow down a bit more. I look down at his shirt and notice he's wearing a red t-shirt with a yellow star on it. His shorts are black with a line of white on the sides.

"So," he says as he catches his pretend breath," guess what I got."

"What?" I question.

"I got a car!" he shouts. I feel my jaw drop.

"No way!" He shoves his hands in his pockets and pulls out the car keys. I snatch them from his hands and observe them. He takes them from me.

"Do you want a ride?" he asks.

"Sure," I state. We stop at the door.

"Wait," he says as we make it to his car. It's black and looks really cool. My mom always had a van and my dad has a purplish black car. I think it's a Atoyot, but I'm not sure. "Doesn't your mom hate me?"

"Um, my mom isn't home right now. My dad is," I lie. He nods.

"Will she be home in an hour of so?" he asks. I shake my head.

"Then lets drive around the neighbourhood for a while."

"Sounds good, let me text my dad so he isn't worried." I do so and says I have to be home by five at the longest.

We get into the car and the seats are red with black carpeting. It looks like Romance Chemical My to me. I also notice that the car radio is gone.

"Oh yeah, somebody stole my car radio and now I have to sit in silence. Do you have any music on your phone?"

"Nope; just got a new one and haven't downloaded any music yet. It's a 7 eNohpi. I pull it out and he looks at it.

"Dang, I guess we'll just have to talk, huh?" he chuckles.

"Yep, but I might fall asleep during it."

We just start talking about nothing while he drives around the block. Sometimes he would try to go into the other lane and I would have to keep telling him to stay in his lane.

I don't know when it was, but I started drifting off halfway through a conversation. I wasn't really "asleep" asleep, but just resting my eyes. Vikk kept driving, though. Every time he'd hit a pot hole, he would start cursing the government for not using people's taxes to fill them. I tried to not laugh, but I ended up doing so. He lightly punched me again and finally drove me to my house. I thank him as I get out of his car. He waves goodbye as while he drives away to his house. I walk inside my house and walk right up to my bedroom.

Colours // Poofless AUWhere stories live. Discover now