Chapter 12

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(it's so hard for me to write in past tense. If I have it messed up a bit, sorry! And this is a lot shorter than any of the chapters in this book. I'm sorry again. I just wanted to make sure you guys had something to read. :( )

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter! < 3 

Preston's POV


"What's your name?" I asked the new kid. He glanced shyly up at me. He looks to be about twelve or thirteen years old. 

"I'm Simon," he replied. I smiled at him. He has a British accent that sound really cool.

I said, "Nice to meet you. I'm Preston."

"Hi," he trailed off and looked over at a group of people. They're known for being very rude to The Colours. I may try to be friends with a lot of people, but I can't get through to them at all. It's strange to me, but I guess not everyone has good in them anymore. 

"Who are they?" he asked me. 

"Well," I said, "the guy with the Sadida shirt is Josh. The tall guy with the llama hair is JJ or Jide. The boy with the snap back is Tobi. Harry is the guy sitting down. Finally, the dude laughing and sounding like a dying dolphin is Ethan."

"Are you friends with them?" 

"Nah," I stated. "They're pretty rude."

"What do they do?" Simon looked at me with curiosity. 

"They, uh," I tried to find the correct words, "bully some of the students here."

"...Do they bully you?"

"No, but they mess with my best friend."

"Can I meet him?"

I replied, "Sure, come with me." 

He followed me out of the advisory room to Vikk's locker. There, Vikk is pulling out a binder and his folder. 

"Hey, man," he greeted me.

"Hey, I wanted you to meet the new kid."

"Yo, I'm Simon," he pulled out his hand to shake Vikk's. 

Vikk stated while shaking Simon's hand, "Well, welcome to Wichita Falls middle school. Why'd you move here?"

"My parents wanted a new life in America. I like the UK much better than here, though."

I said, "You should be fine here as long as you're not a Colour or you find a good clique to hang with." He just looks at the ground. I can tell he has something to say, but doesn't do it.

Suddenly, the five minute bell rang and we rushed to our class. When we walked back in, everyone was sitting down in their seats. I took mine next to Vikk and I spotted Simon sit in a spare one in the back. He lowered his head a bit in a shy way and the day started.

Once advisory was over, Vikk and I walked over to our math class. There, I saw Simon again. Curious, I walked over to him again to see his schedule. He handed it to me and I see that we only have advisory and math in common. Vikk took a glance at it and saw he had science with him as well for last period. 

"I guess I have people to hang out with, then," he acknowledged. I nodded.

The day just went on like that. I didn't see him at all again until lunch, but he was hanging out with some new people. I believe they're names were Anthony and Steven, but I'm not quite sure. 

The next day when I went to school, he was hanging out with the bullies. I raised my eyebrow and walked up to him.

I tapped him on his shoulder and said, "Hey, what's up?"

"Um, do I know you?" he questioned and scoffed while turning away. The guys around him started laughing, Ethan's being the most present one.  

I sighed and walked over to Vikk who just strolled into the room.

"They took another one."

Flashback over.

I cringe to myself just thinking about it. Every new kid we've gotten has been transferred over. I can understand, though. More than half of the people here hate them. Since Simon went with them, they've called themselves 'The Menside' or sometimes 'Support'. It's odd, I know, but what can I do about it?

I cover myself with my blanket and snuggle myself into it. I keep having these flashbacks and I don't know why. I don't like them. They are getting disorienting. I'm guessing my next one is going to be something from freshmen year, but I could be wrong. 

I miss my life where I could just walk around without worrying about dreaming about the past, someone noticing something off about me, and what I'm going to do once I'm eighteen. It used to be so easy. Now my brain feels like it's turning to mush.

I close my eyes and wait for tomorrow to come.  

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