Chapter 4

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Preston's POV

I run away from Vikk, trying to find Lachlan. I don't know why he was the first person to pop into my head. It's probably because he is one of my greatest friends. I absolutely do not like him that way. I'm just using him to back up my "Valentine's Day Crush" scenario.

I weave to and fro in-between teens, hoping that I don't knock into someone. It's difficult to not hit anyone when literally everyone is spread out amongst each other in this small hallway. I bump into a few people, but I yell sorry to them as I pass.

I finally get past the hallway and spot the tall Australian. I sprint up to him and poke him on the shoulder. He turns around and I start to speak quickly.

"So, I kinda lied to Vikk about something today and he thought that I liked someone. I had to think of someone and you were the first person in my mind. I do not like you this way, so make sure if he tells you, it is not real. Okay? Okay. Goodbye!" I state and I start to walk away. He puts out his arm and pulls me toward him.

"You did what?" he asks. I sigh.

"So, you know Vikk?" I question. He nods. 

"Well, he thought I liked someone and to have him get off my back, I had to think of someone. I quickly thought of someone, and that someone happened to be you. I don't, in any way, shape, or form, like you. Okay?" I say much slower than before.

"Why did you choose me, though?" he interrogates. 

"I don't know," I reply, looking down at my hands. I feel him set his hand on my shoulder and sigh.

"You better tell me more about this whole thing later, I have to go to class. Okay?" he asks.

"Okay," I mumble. He pats my shoulder and walks off to his Language Arts room. We have to go to advisory first, but most of us have our subject teachers for it. I pick my head up and wander the halls, trying to find my locker again. 

Once I spot my locker, I open it and try to find my science items. I slam my locker shut and the noise pierces my ears. I clamp my eyes shut and drop my stuff. I use my hands to close my ears. I feel all eyes on me. I suddenly feel very weird, as if something is going to happen. 

I open my eyes back up slowly and get startled from the locker. In those few moments of craziness, I forgot that I'm going through this very odd period of time. I shake my head and touch the red locker, or at least I think it's called red. I'll have to look that up later. 

A loud ring fills the hallways, signaling that we all had five minutes to head to our advisory classroom. I quickly pick up my stuff and grip my binder tightly with my left hand. With my laptop bag at my right side, I speed-walk to my class. 

Everything seems to pass me faster than usual. Faces speeding past me, it feels like I'm going one hundred miles an hour. As I walk, I feel so much tension around me. It is almost like everyone knows something that I don't know. My heart starts pounding so hard that I hear it in my ears. 

Just stay calm. Nothing is wrong. You are going to be okay...

I make my way to the classroom with two minutes to spare. Many people are outside the room talking amongst themselves. I sigh and walk inside. I see my teacher, Mr. Pleb, at his desk. He is a very good teacher. He always said that this class period was his favourite. I think that's because of me. I have an A+ in here, so that might explain it.

Surprisingly, he is the only teacher to see colour. I don't really know if he had gone to any scientist to fix him, but he isn't dead yet. Most of the time, people don't say they can see it. They are all afraid that they would get taken away from their loved ones. I don't think I would get taken away, but who knows if this whole colour thing will get worse. 

"Hello, Mr. Pleb, " I greet. 

"Hello, Preston," he replies. "Excited to learn a new subject today?" 

"I sure am!" I exclaim, laughing. He chuckles and motions for me to take my seat. I do and take out my laptop.

I pull up TubeYou and look up some good music to listen to. I decide to look up Matthias and listen to his parodies. I click on his parody of Direction One's Kiss Me called Pet Peeves. So I don't disturb anyone, I put in my earbuds.  I silently sing along with it because I've listened to this about twenty-one times. 

Once the song ends, the bell rings, signaling that class should start now. Because it's advisory, we are able to do whatever we want until it ends. In the corner of my eye, I see people walking in. Chairs get pulled out for all of them to sit in. 

I see Jerome and Mitch walk in and sit down in front of me. I wave to them and they wave back. It's really crazy that they have the exact same schedule together. I wish I had that with Kenny and Brandon. 

"Hey," Mitch says to me. I take my earbuds out to talk to him.

"Hey, how's it going?" I question.

He states, "Pretty good, just boring."  

"You're always bored," Jerome tells him.

"Well," Mitch trails off, "if they made school fun, I wouldn't always be bored. Or if they made good food, I'd never complain."

"Yeah, they never make good food," I reply. They both nod. Almost everyone in the classroom is talking so loud that the class down the hall could here us. 

"Quite, guys!" Mr. Pleb yells at us. We all shut up at the voice of him. We all know that if we aren't quite, we would get a detention. 

"So, you all can do whatever you want, as always, just don't talk. Got it?" he asks us. 

"Got it," we all mumble. 

I put back in my  earbuds and look up some more videos. Soon enough, advisory is over and we are getting ready for science. I put away my laptop and earbuds so Mr. Pleb doesn't yell at me to do so. I take out my science binder and open it up to our study guide. We should go over it today, but I'm not to sure.

"Now that everyone is ready to go, who's ready to learn about colour?" Mr. Pleb asks. 

Oh no.

Colours // Poofless AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum