Chapter 9

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Time skip!

??? POV

"You know, this job isn't that bad," Mat tells me while we walk down the long hallway. Doors are scattered along the walls, but the only door I'm focusing on is the double door at the end. That room is mine. It's also Mat's, but I'm the "leader" as some would say and he is "co leader".

"What do you mean it's 'not that bad?' Do you even know what we do?" I sigh and grasp my clipboard with multiple diagnoses from different patients.

"We figure out what is wrong with the people of America and Canada. We also help those who want to become normal," he states. "Even the ones who don't want to be helped." It's as if this is completely normal to him.

"That's not all we do." I feel my facial expression go from concerned to upset. I glance over to him. He is wearing the usual long coat that goes down to his knees and his grey pants.

"Yeah, but are we the ones doing it?" he asks. Mat doesn't look at me, but it feels like he is. I don't answer.


I open up the right double door and let Mat walk in first. I follow behind him and he sits at his computer. The room is white and grey, with a bright, white light emitting from the computer. He types in his super long password and opens up a file with a few patients on it. I lean over his shoulder and observe a few people on the list.

"This person has been on my list of getting in here ever since Jon put those new cameras in Texas." He double clicks on a boy who looks to be seventeen years old.

"Name?" I question.

"Arsement," he replies. I nod.

"Pull up his family history," I command. He does as I say and I see that his mother and father have just divorced one week ago and she is an alcoholic. The boy is a straight A student and is suspected to be one of The Colours.

"How is he suspected to be one?" I question. Usually it's either they are or aren't.

"He has been caught staring at certain colours for a while. I had Jon go out and find out what what he was doing during his spring break. I got this footage here." Mat opens up Arsement's file and clicks on a video.

Jon is the best under cover agent in our business. He's been working here for maybe two years. He's also one of the people who make new drugs to cure sicknesses and diseases. I haven't talked to him much, but a lot of people say he's a really funny guy.

The video pops up and it is pointed at Arsement sitting in some grass. He is staring deeply at it. He then picks up a few pieces and observes it up close. Maybe he is just a grass enthusiast.

"How does this show that he is a Colour?" I ask.

Mat turns his chair around and glares at me. "Do you even know what colour grass is?"

"Um," I ponder, "dark grey?"

"No, you imbecile," he groans, putting him fingers to his nose. "It's green. Didn't you take a Colours class in college?"

"I did, I just forgot a lot of it," I say.

He face-palms. "This is why you have no job."

"Then how am I here?" I question. He just turns back around and pounds his head against his desk. I start chuckling a tad bit.

"Here's the thing; no one looks at grass like that. Not even nature lovers. But do you know who does?" He doesn't give me time to answer. "The Colours."

He pulls up another video of a thirty-something year old lady who is known for being a Colour. Many people have told us about her and we've tried to get her in here. We never could, though. She's too smart. People have said her name is Alyssa or Alice, but no one really knows. We couldn't find any info on her family or her name, which is very odd to us.

She is doing the same thing as Arsement; looking at the grass with the same eyes. She doesn't snatch any up, though. She lets it stay there.


"I see, but he's only seventeen. And we would know for certain if he was one. We have a mark and name for each Colour and none of them just magically get it," I say. He nods.

"But what if there is a new category?" he asks.

"There can't be," I reply. "It has been about two to three thousand years since the first Colour arrived on Earth. How could there possibly be a new category with only one person having it?"

"Well, we need him in here then." Mat closes the videos and goes back to Arsement's file. He clicks on file and starts to print it out.

"What would we even do with him in here?"

Mat sighs. "I don't know, run test on him? Get his DNA? Take a brain scan? Anything to show if he is or isn't part of The Colours." He moves his hands with each sentence.

"I don't feel comfortable doing that to a child," I state. "He has so much to live for. It would be horrible for us to seclude him here for god knows how long."

"Isn't our job to cure The Colours of the world?" he asks. I don't say a single word. "Come on, Rob. You know we have to do this." He turns his head to look at me and smiles.

I glare at him. "But we don't do it to children and we are not going to start now." He sighs and types some more stuff into his computer.

He pulls up a study that was made by our head scientist, Choco. I skim the sentences and see it's about how children are the ones we need to be taking care of.

"It states here," Mat highlights a few lines, "'The child community is gaining more and more Colours each day. Because of this, when they are older, there will be many more to take care of. If we were to make children our top priority, then the generations wouldn't have any Colours in them. They would, also, not be able to reproduce any Coloured offsprings.'"

I start pacing the floor. "I just don't feel right doing any of that. Let's just take care of the adults."

Mat stands up and slowly walks up to me. I stop and he looks up at me. Confused, I ask what's going on.

"You know that The Colours are basically the Devil. You've read the legends. They are taking over the world and no one wants that. We can help humanity. Come on, Rob." He puts a hand on my shoulder and I tense up. His eyes turn soft and look like their about to cry.

I gulp. Don't buy into his stupid antics. Children are not supposed to go through the trauma that is to come from here. Stand your ground.

"Please." His lip starts trembling and I can't handle it. He sets his hand on my chest and tilts his head to the left a bit. I bit my own lip.

"No," I studder. He smiles slightly.

"You know you can't say no to me." He steps a bit closer and pulls me closer to him with his right hand. My stomach flips and my eyes widen. He leans into me and I jump away.

"You can't make me do that." He shakes his head.

"I can make you do whatever I want, so which is it?" he asks. "Getting the children here or you getting all of me?"

I sigh. "The children."

"Good. I'm glad I didn't have to go through with that." Mat sits back down in his computer chair and wheels it over to the printer to get Arsement's papers.

God, why did I do that?

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