Chapter 24

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Aye! Long time no update! I know, I'm sorry. *Insert excuse here*

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! I didn't edit it much because it's 2.3k words and don't got time for that. BE HAPPY IT'S VEEEERY LONG! < 3

Vikk's POV

I drop my pencil suddenly when I hear the bell ring, which proclaimed that the school day was done. My arms feel heavy as I pick up my various items, such as binders and notepads that were filled with miscellaneous writings and papers. I know it's stupid to be so worried about Preston still, but I can't help it. He's my friend and I need to know that he is okay. He was perfectly fine when we were driving around in my new car. He may have seemed a tad bit stressed, but that's everyone at the end of the year. Finals are about to start and seniors have to worry about their futures. In fact, I'm just silently anxious to leave this school and go to college. I think I might become a doctor, but I'm not sure. Like, I might go to college for six years to be a dentist or something, but what if I never use that degree? I would've just wasted six years of my life on nothing.

The future is something I think about way too much. That's why I get some of my friends to bug Preston about it. For some reason he's just chill with knowing that he might not get a job to support himself. I wish I was as laid back as him. Maybe if I had his vision, I'd be better off. Everyone knows that 'Normies' get better jobs and better pay. They have it easier to do certain jobs. I know I can never be a fashion designer or a house decorator. Anything having to do with looks will never be possible for me. I feel bad for artist and creative people who are Colours because the can't make a good living. Sure, most people will just see their art as black and white but can still understand what it is, but they won't be able to feel the art and see it in its vibrant form.

My mom says that I am actually blessed to have this sight, which I find is a big lie. Every once in a while we'll go to church, like on Easter or something, and every time a priest will go on a rant about The Colours. Without fail, they will start talking about some type of teaching. They will talk about the creation of Colours, which is where sinners die and are reborn into a human with tainted vision after all their sins were cured. A false reality, as some would say. Most gloss over the 'cured' part. Every time they talk about how the Colours were sinners, all I can think about is that I sinned in a previous life. I could have been the equivalent to Reltih. You never know, I could have been him.

I am pretty skeptical of the whole religion thing. So many things are just huge stretches. That's why we don't go to church too often. My mom hates that they speak badly about our kind. We are just as normal as anyone else. We are all one community, so we should all be treated equally. You can't get rid of us, so just deal with it.

Students glide out of the classroom and into the hall. I sneeze my way through the huddles of girls and boys gossiping about things that happened today. I overhear snippets of conversations, such as, "Oh my God, did you hear what that bitch said to me?" "Practice was changed from four thirty to four. Don't be late!" and "Did you get Three Souls Dark yet?" A variety of conversations from just the same corner of the hall.

My senses heighten while I stroll and maneuver through the sea of kids. I keep my eyes on the ground to make sure I don't make awkward contact or trip over anyones foot. This is a daily task that I make sure to do. You need to make sure to don't trip. If you do, you know it will be all over Bookface and Rettiwt. Someone might even get the perfect video or picture of you falling. Kids here are cruel. They don't even help you pick up your stuff.

I glance up at the lockers to see if I was near mine to see a couple making out right on top of my locker. They seem to try and get closer and closer to each other even though they are actually as close as they can. I stand there, shocked. Everybody around me is acting so nonchalant about it. Even the teachers let them! I try and look over to my Science teacher, but all he does is roll his eyes at them.

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