Chapter 7

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Preston's POV

Basic Information

Have you ever wondered why some people can see colour and others can't or vise versa? Well, if you can see it, congratulations. You are one in two million people who can see such an amazing sight. But what makes us see it or what keeps us from seeing it? There is this part of the brain called the Occipital lobe. This is the back part of the brain that is involved with vision, memory, speech, musical rhythm, and some degree of smell recognition.

Inside the Occipital lobe, there is a small spot called the Chroma Hue tucked inside. Inside there, there are millions of cells. Each cell has a special nucleus that gives us our DNA. When we are in the womb and the embryonic period starts, the baby's brain, spinal cord, heart and other organs begin to form. While the brain is getting created, all the cells' nuclei are determining if the child will be able to see colour. They do this by combining together their nuclei. This makes the Chroma Hue. If there were way more black and white nuclei than coloured, then the child will see black and white and vise versa.

Most of the nuclei in this area are black and white because the other colours are going to other places to help the process of development in the organs. Sometimes there is just enough of a certain type of colour that they are able to see one colour, such as blue. Other times, there are many different kinds of coloured cells that end up in the Chroma Hue. That make the child see more than one colour.

The Chroma Hue is not needed to function properly. That is why some people are born blind. All their cells went to help more needed areas, such as the heart if there was difficulty forming it.

Our Eyes

Our eyes make a big difference in if we see colour or not. When the eye is in development, it can be different colours. Most people who can't see colour have brown eyes while most of the The Colours have different coloured irises. This is because of the Chroma Hue. While it is being created, the coloured cells mix together to make an even smaller part called the Mic Culoare, Romanian for small colour. This makes a spot in the brain determine the colour of the eye.

The most common colour of them is blue, but one out of every eight people with the sight of colour can have brown. This is because most of the other colours are working in the Chroma Hue. If the cells that are in the Mic Culoare are finished, that make a tiny spot in the Chroma Hue as big as the tip of your thumb.

The coloured cells in the Mic Culoare actually help the Chroma Hue as a whole be created. It does this by radiating its formed colour to the other cells. If the colour of the Mic Culoare is a darker colour, it will help the host of the brain see black and white. If it is a lighter colour, it will help the coloured ones.

I stop reading the chapter and push my laptop away from me. A heavy breath escapes from my lips as I rub my temples. This whole thing is confusing and I'm only two sections into it. None of this information is helping me understand what is going on with me. Maybe the coloured cells are starting to fill my Chroma Hue or something? That just sounds stupid. I'm hoping that the chapter starts talking about the legends that are based around this sight.

I pull my knees to my stomach and lay on my bed. Resting my eyes, I try to get into a more comfortable position on my left side while still in foetal position. My fuzzy pyjama pants rub against my chin and it is somewhat comforting. I just don't know what to do about what is happening to me. It's as if I am the only one in the world to have this happening to me. Hopefully red is the only colour that I see. If not, I don't know what to do.

I open my eyes and glance and my alarm clock. 9:56. I'm glad I did my math homework already. If I didn't, I don't know what I would have done. I'd probably just do it in advisory. 

My eyes droop and I close them again. I feel myself start to fade into sleep until I feel myself start to fall. I awaken quickly and grip my blankets. I'm still on my bed, but everything around me seems different again. 

I look at the clock and the grey numbers show it is five twenty-six. How is it already that time? I only shut my eyes for a moment. I shuffle out of bed and notice I was tucked underneath them. The light is off even though I had them on. I flick them on and scan the room. Spotting my laptop plugged in, I walk over to see what precent it is at. Last time I was on it, it was at thirty-two precent. I open it and see it is at one hundred. 

I groan to myself and look around my room to see what was different. The red walls stick out to me, but I know that it was there yesterday. There is no other colour in the room except for black, white, grey, and red. 

"I'm just delusional," I mumble to myself and sit down on my bed. 

Soon enough I fall back asleep, but when I wake up it is only three eleven. Confused, I pinch myself to see if I am dreaming. I feel a slight pain start to form and I realise it really is three. That must have been a dream that felt really real. 

The light is still on and I am in the same position I was when I closed my eyes. My laptop is open, but it has a black screen that indicates its asleep. I stand up and plug it in to charge. I open up my door and turn off the lights. I walk to the right side of the bed and go under the covers. My body starts to curl again and I try to fall asleep.


"Help!" someone yelled in the halls. It's middle school and I'm in sixth grade. I turned around to see people gathered around two people. One small boy was getting pummeled by a much larger one. It was a normal occurrence at my school because of The Colours and "The Normals."

I walked over to the crowd with my math items in hand. I spotted Vikk trying to block punch after punch, but to no avail. I dropped my things and pushed through the wall of people. I'm suddenly in the middle of the attention and I tried to make the most of it. 

Vikk got pushed against the lockers and I felt rage flood my vision. I sprinted up to the older person and uppercutted him right in the jaw. He looked bewilder; his eyes become wide open and scared. I stomped towards him and sized him up, trying to make myself look much bigger. I spotted a black liquid spill from his lip.

He shrank and ran away from me. Everyone around me started clapping and cheering for me. I smiled to myself. Vikk runs up to me and gives me a big hug. The first hug I got from him in middle school. I had finally helped someone.

Flashback over.

I smile again. I didn't even get in trouble for doing that, but I actually got praised. Usually everyone hates anyone for sticking up for The Colours, but not then. Everyone was proud of me.

I was proud of me.

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