Your children

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Kylo- you two have a baby boy, he is a total daddy's boy, you name your child a wired name that you wiredly like. Dradrien pronounced Dray-dre-en.

Anakin- you have two baby girls that are two years apart, your youngest is called Cella and your oldest is called Midnight. (She was born at midnight exactly.)

Luke- You have twins a boy and a girl, the gene must run in the family. You name the boy Harrison-Obi because of Luke. Then you name your baby girl Padme after his mother.

Obi-wan- You have a baby girl, you call her Carly, she is a total daddies girl. And that's fine!

Poe- You have a baby boy that you name Jessie then later on you have a baby girl that you name Rose.

Finn- you had a baby girl around the same time Poe did so you named her Lily.

Han- You had two boys, sperate by one year. The youngest called Harry then the oldest called Charlie.

Hux- You have a baby girl called Aquelia, she surprisingly gets on really well with Kylos child. Maybe your husband could take a leaf out of her book.

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