12| Tell Me

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Chapter Twelve

Yoandri's POV

"Why won't you guys just tell me?"

Joel sighs and Angelia leans against the bed, looking at me with a peculiar stare in her eyes. "Because it's not worth the damage it would bring," she mutters.

I stay quiet and cross my arms, "Are you serious?" She only nods before throwing her head back, the light hitting her back, her hair falling over her shoulders.

Joel sucks in a breath and his eyes stay on her body, entranced. I look at her body, the way she curves, how her neck is exposed to me. Her shirt lifts up a little and I imagine my hands on her waist, our bodies intertwined.

"Get out," I mumble to Joel just as I walk over to Angelia, my eyes darkened.

He begrudgingly complies and as he leaves he grumbles, "Use protection. I'm too young to be a full-time uncle."

I meet Angelia just as she closes her eyes and I lay a hand on her waist, my other hand coming to her jaw. "Why are you so beautiful?"

She chuckles lowly and slowly gets back up, leaving her eyes closed. I sigh in bliss as she whispers, "I don't know. You tell me." Her eyes open and her warm turquoise eyes are big, curious.

I smile and she tilts her head, giving me some access to her neck. My breathing starts to get heavy and I drag my lips from her jaw to her neck slowly.

My hands push her closer, and wander over her warm skin. Sunlight covers us both as I kiss her shoulder, my body shaking.

"Kiss me," I plead.

Her hands lead me to the bed where she makes me lean against the headboard, kissing my cheek.

Her eyes give me a challenge and I accept gladly. My mouth opens and I breathe in, only for my breath to escape me as she kisses me once.

It's a small kiss, not even five seconds long but she kisses me again in this way. Small and sweet.

Then she takes a deep breath and kisses me hotly, her hands in my hair, her lips locked with mine. I sigh against her mouth and her hands slip under my shirt, her fingers stretching over my chest.

Her lips detach themselves from mine and I take a deep breath. She takes off my shirt and I take hers off as well, taking in her body. Her hands run over my chest before she kisses me again.

My body feels on warm and everything is slow, like syrup. The way her lips feel, how they seem to fit perfectly with mine. How she lets her hands roam my body, the way her touch is light like a feather.

"I love you," she whispers in my ear.

"I love you."

Nothing seemed more true. 


"Joel, tell me."

He shakes his head and points out my disheveled hair and the love bites on my neck. "You look like a hot mess."

I blush and cover my neck, "That's so irrelevant. If you tell me your secret though, you can come at my life whenever you want."

Joel winces and looks at me sadly, "The secret would be end your life."

Sighing, I throw myself backwards. "Is it so bad?" He only nods and I throw a pillow at his face, pouting. "Why can't you be like Richard?"

On cue, Richard bursts through the door angrily, "WHY DOES MS. MAXWELL THINK SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO GIVE ME AN F? THAT ESSAY WAS GOLDEN!"

I stifle a laugh and Joel nods eagerly, "SHE DID THAT TO YOU TOO? MY ESSAY WAS AMAZING!"

I shake my head at the both of them and Deandra opens the door with a worried look on her face. "Yoandri, now," she orders.

Joel gives me a worried look and I leave with Deandra, hurriedly. "What's wrong?" She sighs and says, "There's something wrong with Angelia."

I walk faster.



She shakes her head and keeps facing the corner of her bed, her hair concealing her face completely.

Deandra sighs and says, "I'm gonna go get something to eat for the both of us. Stay here." I nod and she leaves, Angelia and I alone in the room.

"Angelia, what's wrong?"

I hear her sniff, and let out a hiccup, "I'm a terrible person." My stomach drops and I question softly, "Why is that?" I sit down near the edge of the bed and she whispers, "Because I hurt you."

"No you didn't."

My hands shake a little as I touch her shoulder gently and put my legs on either side of her. "You can tell me. I won't get mad, promise," I whisper. She shakes her head and I move her hair away from her neck.

"Yeah you will," she whispers back.

I close my eyes as I inhale and kiss her neck gently, "No I won't. I love you, Angelia." Angie lets out a cry of distress and starts to cry, "Yoandri, I hurt you."

Turning her around so she's on my lap, I hug her tightly, not wanting to let her go. 

"Baby, I remember this one night," I begin.

Her cries sound in my ears and I feel myself get choked up. "I remember this one night when I woke you up in the middle of the night because The Stars were shining like never before."

Angelia's cries die down to sniffles with a few hiccups here and there. "As you lie next to me on the ground, you looked over to me and asked me what I wanted in life," I stop and wipe the tears away from her face.

I kiss the top of her head and she relaxes in my arms a little as I coo to her. Angelia gets up so that I can see her face and I pull away hairs that stick to her cheeks.

I caress her arms and smile at her, her eyes brightening up a little. "I didn't answer your question then, but do you wanna know my response?"

She nods and I nudge our heads together, my eyes meeting hers. I kiss her before whispering, "What I want in life is you, Angelia."

Her breathing seems to get stuck in her throat and she blushes deeply before kissing me passionately. I sink into her arms and we lay down together.

In a few minutes she's fast asleep in my embrace, her face peaceful. Her face is blotchy, red, and her lips are slightly agape. I smile as she snores softly and I kiss her forehead.

"You are what I want in life."



I'm sorry I haven't been here. But just know I still appreciate you guys so much. I love y'all and if I could hug each of you I would. Okay, goodnight.

The Universe // Yoandri CabreraWhere stories live. Discover now