25| Alec

246 25 111

Chapter Twenty-Five

Yoandri's POV

I kiss her neck and it's not until that I don't smell honey and vanilla perfume that I open my eyes.

That is not Angelia's curly hair.


"You did what?" she shouts.

Angelia stands before my, fuming, with her curly hair sprawled everywhere. I wince as she hurtles herself into bed and pouts at me.

"I almost died. Last time this happened, I almost died," she emphasizes with a certain sadness that makes me want to kiss her pain away.

"Listen, baby. I'm sorry," I say as I cuddle her into my embrace. "It won't happen again," I mentally promise. 

Angelia bursts up from my touch and wags a finger at me, "YOU WILL ALWAYS FORGET TO PUT THE ICE CREAM IN THE REFRIGERATOR."

I stifle my laugh as she goes off, her face turning red and her agitation showing fully.


Eventually, she calms down enough that I can hug her and I kiss her cheek. She just huffs and pouts at me. "Traitor," Angie frowns.

"Just when I was going to offer to go to you favorite ice cream shop," I sigh dramatically.

Angelia shoots up from the bed and hops into her shoes. "LET US GO!" I only click on the television.

"YOANDRI!" she whines.

I sink deeper into the covers.

"C'mon!" she huffs, yet again.

I wink at her and cover myself up in the comforter.

Angelia groans and a determined dark look passes in her eyes. I stay still as she glares at me and suddenly, I'm scared for my life.

The dark look glints in her eyes and then she is slipping off her shoes, shrugging off her jacket. Her hair falls on her shoulders as she pulls out her hair tie and I blush deeply.

(a/n I'm obligated to tell you that it's about to get sexual)

Angelia turns around and her hands come to the bottom of her shirt. Then, ever so slowly, she starts to slide the thin material up her body, and over her head.

I feel a throb on my lower half and look under the covers, cursing my hormones. Angelia unbuttons her pants and I find myself pleading for her to undress quicker.

"You know Yoandri?" she starts as she slides out of her jeans. The image of her in her thong seems to put me in a daze.

I feel my body become hot and Angelia walks over to me, her presence already affecting me. Then she's on me and I'm a moaning mess as she touches almost every piece of my skin.

Her lips brush over my jaw, and butterfly kiss my neck softly. My hands come up to her breasts and I smile as she smacks them away, kissing my collarbone and making me breathe hard in the process.

"Fuck, Angelia," I mumble in her ear, wanting nothing more than to take her right there and then.

She pulls on my bottom lip and then our mouths are one, and nothing else seems to matter besides her body on top of mine. Her lips make me drowsy, and I have difficulty filling my lungs with air, barely having the control to do anything.

Angelia pins my hands above my head and I don't object, her lips entrancing me in a way that no he else can.

Her body presses against my bare body and I remove one of my hands to smack her ass. Angelia arches her back in return and we both look at each other, breathless at the slightest contact.

Her beautiful turquoise eyes stare so deeply into mine that my heart beats harder than has before, and I bring my hand up to meet her soft jaw.

"NOW. LET'S GO GET OUR ICE CREAM!" she shouts before dressing in her clothes and shooting out the door.

And then I'm left with a solid boner and a fire in my belly that makes it hard for me to breathe.

(a/n y'all can breathe now)


Angelia grins like a kid as she presses her face up against the glass containing the ice cream. "I love the fact that you get excited about ice cream," I laugh.

She snorts, "Oh shush," she sticks her tongue out at me.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings and I hear girls giggling behind the both of us. "Isn't that him?" I hear someone whisper.

Sighing, Angie props one foot out and juts her hip into my side. "Help me," she frowns. I intertwine our hands and pull her into my arms, kissing her forehead. "Of course," I smile and chuckle lowly.

"You always get the chocolate fudge brownie with a hint of vanilla swirled into it," I mumble in her ear as I kiss her cheek.

Someone taps my shoulder and I turn around to see a girl with strawberry blonde hair and big blue eyes look at me.

My blood turns cold and then her lips are on mine, cold and sticky. I hear a shaky breath from Angelia, and then she's pushing the girl away from me.


The girl looks confused and looks at me for some type of clarification. "You have a girlfriend? Why did you sleep with me?" she accuses.

Then Angelia stiffens up and I close my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Angelia-" I start but don't have type to finish because she's already walking out the door of the ice cream place.

"Why did you do that? I don't even know you!" I rage.

She frowns at me and shakes her head, "We had a one night stand last night. I remember you went to the party and Alec told me you were into me-"

I'm already slamming through the doors of the creamery, searching for a particular mass of curls. I see a person huddled in the corner and jog towards the figure.

Angelia's body shakes up and down with sobs and my heart breaks. "Angelia?" I murmur softly. 

She stands up and pushes me away, "I should've known better."

As I watch her walk away, the only thing in my mind is: I'm going to fucking murder Alec.





Amiller101 mmmmmmm

where's team Alec now tho

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