Chapter 13 Another Camping Trip

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I was resting my head against the desk when someone pushed me.I looked up and saw who it was "Why did you that?!" "Cause i kept on talking to you,but you were ignoring me." I glare at Frank while Mikey helped me up "What were you all talking about then?" I ask Mikey but Gerard spoke instead.

"We're going camping." He says "Oh no theres no way im going to the forest again mostly if im the only girl in the group and we'll be isolated." I have kinda a fear of camping now ever since when i was young my father scared me and told me what happened in the woods."Well its your fault cause you only have guy friends." Ray and Gerard smirked "You really need to meet another girl." Bob suggested me."Look i don't want a girl to be my friend okay? i don't feel comfortable around them" I shrug my shoulders.

"So that means that your comfortable around..guys?" I didnt said anything after he said that so i just turned my heels and began to walk away from them "Alright then! If you're coming with us just go to my home cause we're leaving at six!" Gerard shouted.


"I can't believe im doing this" I began to have a discussion with myself once i reached Gerard's house and I saw everyone of them outside with their backpacks and a huge bag of only food "Emily! I knew you'd make it!" Ray waves at me "Yeah..I had nothing else to do at home so i decided to come." We all got in the car which Gerard's dad was driving cause he was just going to leave us and pick us up in the morning.

I sat on Gerard's lap cause there was no room and Bob who's the biggest one was carrying Frank on his lap making him angry but he still seemed angry at me from yesterday's event with Gerard "How are you all back there?" "Good!" Most of us replied "Horrible." "Once we arrive we'll place the tents amd begin with the fire and tell scary stories-" I kept listening to all the guys talk about what they were going to do and deep inside i was nervous.


"Behave kiddos!" "Bye!!" Everyone of us said but i just waved my hand and watched the car leave "Okay let's get going." We all began to follow Gerard and we walked for like fifteen minutes away from the roads and now we were in the middle of the forest with a lake nearby.

We finished with the tents and Mikey began with the fire once the sky was pitch black we all sat on around the fire and Gerard began with the stories along with Frank."It was a dark,stormy and cold night like this one-" They kept on telling us the story and hugged myself while i sat next to Mikey,they kept like this for almost two hours. "I dont know you guys but im gonna go take a look over bu the lake.

"I wanna go too" "Yeah" Oh great now they are all leaving me alone "Aren't you coming with us?" "Nah its too cold to go for a swim." They nodded their heads and i watched them leave.I looked up at the sky and saw that it was beginning to snow a bit "Just great." I huff and i quickly went inside the tent and got ready to take a nap.I rested my head on the pillow and closed my eyes thats when a heard a scream.

I jolted up and looked around the tent and heard someone yell my name "The boys!" I ran out of the tent not bothering to put my shoes back on and thats when i reached the lake "Mikey! Frank! Gerard! Where you guys.God damn it this has to be a joke" I mutter under my breathe.I turn around and was paralyzed but what i saw.I saw all four guys on the ground with blood and in front of me stood someone in a bunny suit from the movie Donnie Darko.That bunny terrorized my childhood.

I did the only thing i could think of so i began to run and the man in the suit grabbed and tossed me to the ground and held a knife close to i began to scream and thats when i heard laughter.I opened my eyes and saw Frank,Mikey,Ray and Bob with blood all over their clothes and Gerard took off the bunny head "You assholes! You scared me to fucking death!!" 

"We just had too!" Gerard kept on laughing "Gerard made me do it." Mikey pointed as his brother "I trust what Mikey says so he'll sleep with me." I grabbed his hand and dragged him to my tent "We're sorry Emily we just had too." I glare at Frank and began to walk towards him.

"So now you're talking to me?! I thought you weren't ever going to do that you prick! You're all just a couple of stupid teenagers with nothing else to do!" I shouted and i ran to my tent with Mikes following me. "Im so sorry Emily.They just far with the prank." "That okay Mikey." I felt him rub my back "Lets just rest for the night." I nodded my head and felt blankets on me.Hmm now that i think of it i think i'll spend more time with Mikey besides he's cute and caring.

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