Chapter 27 Missing

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Frank's pov

"Why do we have to wear these stupid ties?" I begin to try and tie mine but Gee came over and did it for me with Mikey half asleep,Ray with a bunch of books on his hand and Bob just looking around the empty school hall. "Cause its the required uniform." I sigh and grab my backpack and textbook.

School started three weeks ago and there has been no sign of Emily for weeks now.I've tried calling her but she never picks up my calls or reads my texts.The guys have tried hard keeping me entertained and it did work for the first month but not that much anymore. "Lets just go to lunch." We begin to follow Bob outside school and sat down on the ground,watching the rest of the school just laughing. We exchange glances once a few of them looked at us like creeps. "This makes me uncomfortable." Mikes mumbles.

"How about we just head inside again?" Ray looks over to Gerard,who just shakes his head."Nah lets just stay here and we'll be off." We were about to eat when a group of kids began to insult us and they threw me their food.I got up and ran inside the school ignoring Gerard calling my name.

"Frank where are you dude?" I can hear Ray's voice getting closer."I know you are in there dude." I curse and they open my locker in which i hid inside.I stepped outside and felt like crying "Did you hide yourself inside your locker?" Gee says almost laughing with his brother smacking his head.

Bob stared at me with an expresionless face and grabbed my arm "Hey Bob let me go!" I try my best to make him let go of me "Bob let him go!" Mikey says. "No look." He grabbed my sleeve and rolled it up making the guys gasp at what i've done."Frank? Why did you do that?" Gerard begins to walk closer to me,i stepped back and ran away from him.

Gerard's pov

"Shit! We have to do something" I kick a nearby locker ans try to calm down with Ray and Mikey's help."Why did you scar3 him like that Bob?! You know how he feels about things like this and those cuts said it all." Bob sighs and places a hand on my shoulder "I care about him that's why i did that.The other day in the bathroom i saw him cutting again.."

"Lets just go." I begin to run down the halls with the other guys following me .We were about to reach the front door when the group of kids who were laughing at us stood there with a few baseball bats and croquet mallets "Where do you think you are going you emo bastards?!" A tall blonde one stood in front of the rest."Just let us through and no one wilo get hurt" "No way! I love to have fun." Guess there is no choice.


"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" The voice of the principal came up and yelled at us making the us two groups separate from each other."These stupid guys attacked us first." They begin to tell him "Stop with the lies! You started this like you always do!" 

"Now go to your classes." Principal Matthews shouted at them.Good thing they changed the principal cause the last one was a douche. "You okay boys?" He asks us. We nod our heads snd he does the same "You have two classes left right?" "Yes sir." I look over to Mikey. "Your excused then.Go and look for your friend." I smile at him and began to walk outside of the school with the guys.


"There is no sign of Frank...Gerard i think we should go to our apartment and wait for him to come back." Bob whispers as he walks closer to me.I flinched once it began to rain with thunder "It is a bit late brother." I look at them once we stopped and loooed at their soaking wet uniforms "You guys came go if you want to but i'm staying.Frank would do the same if either of us went missing." I was about to cross the street when someone grabbed my arm,stopping me.

"I'm going with you bro." Mikey smiles up at me as he took of his glasses."We are also going with you." Ray began to walk forward "Let's go come on i have a cousin who lives close.we can ask him to help us." 

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