Chapter 18 MCR

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Its been exactly a month since that awesome Green Day concert and since Frank and Mikey got into a fight which almost resulted in a physical one if it werent for me.The car ride back home was horrible there was no talking and it was just plain awkward.I promised to myself that the next time i go to a concert im going solo. The school talent didnt happen but a few weeks later the principal confirmed that it was going to happen...

Gerard being well him decided to sign up and wrote all of the guys name and when they heard the news they freaked out especially Mikey since he's the shyest of all of us.Right now in this moment i am in the garage of Gerard's home and i was watching them play.Gerard was singing vocal,Ray and Frank are both on guitar,Mikey is on the bass and Bob the drums.

"No no stop! This isnt going to work." Gerard sat down next to me looking very tired "Then what we've already practiced tins of songs and non of them seem to satisfy you." Ray said with his guitar in hand "Weren't you planning on writing a song of your own?" "MIKEY!!" Everyone shouted cause they didnt want to work extra hard on this.

"That's right I have tins if songs already written on my notebooks and personally I think they are great besides if we win that money we can finally start our very own band and I can also finally be that artist." Gerard beamed with joy and quickly raced to his piles of notebooks making a complete disaster "This is gonna turn out awful." Frank says and joined me on the couch while Mikey stood there glaring at him.

"Why don't you come up with the name for the band Mikey? Lets see if your awesome like you say you are." "Oh i will." Mikey smirked and walked away "Why do you have to be so mean?" Bob asked Frank "Im not mean im being honest and serious." Bob just shook his head and sat patiently. "How many bands have you been in anyway?" I finally ask Frank.

"Just two right now theyre called Give Up The Ghost and Pencey Prep. I just hope Gerard doesnt do something he'll regret." Right after he said that Gerard came with two notebooks "I found them." He placed them on the table and showed us a few he wrote one caught my attention its called Skylines and Turnstiles "You wrote this?" I asked him he nodded his head.

"This is awesome Gee." Frank says reading the lyrics "Thanks i tried my best now with Frankie in the band we'll be successful.Im glad that Frank decided to join the band anyway." I couldnt help but smile as Gerard hugged Frank really tight "Alright the show is tomorrow so we'll stay up all night as necessary." "Well shit thats just great." Ray says with a yawn and looking very sleepy.

It was around 3 am when everyone started to feel sleepy but Gerard prepared a load of coffee and gave us but he mostly drank it all besides the song was going pretty well im impressed that they are doing something they love especially Gerard since he's been through a lot lately and missed a whole month at school and ive been keeping him company ever since. "Hey where's Mikey anyway?" I finally ask as i start to look around "He went to the library." Gerard simply said "Its still opened?" "Yep." I sighed and continued drinking my coffee "Frank?" I look back at him and see him already asleep on the couch.

"He's so cute when he sleeps huh?" I turn to see Gerard.I raise an eyebrow and stare at him for a moment "Uhh yes he is..." "You're gonna ask if im gay huh?" "N-no i wasnt." "Well im not.But we have done things together you know." He smirks down at me "Eww." "Just kidding we've just kissed." I nod my head and try to forget what he just said "He really is cute." I lower myself and kiss his cheek and grabbed a blanket and placed it on him.

We Are The Kids From Yesterday ( A Frank Iero Story)Where stories live. Discover now