Chapter 20 Cabin In The Woods

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This has gotta be the most stressful week for me cause all ive been thinking is of that kiss Mikey gave to me and we are cousins for crying out loud! And it seemed like we both forgot about it and Gerard too since he had a crush on me.Oh fuck why do i always get in these kind of situations?! Today is Friday and its been freezing cold again cause thats how Jersey is most of the year,i was walking with my backpack heading to Frank's house which surprisingly he was awake and ready.

"Emily? I didn't you you were also going?" I look at Frank's mother as she says that then back at him,she turn to see her son and glared at him "Frank Anthony Thomas Iero Pricolo why didnt you tell me that Emily is going with you?!?!" "Whoa thats a very long name there." I mutter and start taking a few steps back so i don't get too involved.

"Mom just chill okay? She's just coming along with me cause i'll be lonely with my old man." "Don't say another word mister,that's how your relationship with your father and i began." By this time Frank looked like her was going to puke "Yeah thats right! And a month later i found out i was going to have you so you better not do anything...Have a nice trip!" She smiled at the both of us while Frank still was surprised and scared by what his own mother said.

"That was entertaining and fun to watch...while disturbing as well." " never hugging my mom again." I shake my head as i began to help with the bags and everything and began to place them on the backseat of the car. We drove all the way almost outside of Jersey and thats when we arrived at a house in the middle of a forest that is old looking almost like a cabin so i guess this will be fun.


We arrived in the middle of a forest and saw a house in the middle of it well mostly like a cabin."This place looks-" "Old,crappy and horrifying like in the horror movies?" He grabbed his bags and headed to knock on the door but before he could the door flew open making me bounce a little and a man stepped outside "Frankie! You finally came i thought your mother wasnt going to let you.How are you son?" He immediately hugged Frank who looked bored already.

""Who's this lovely girl?" "Dad this is Emily Way,we met a few months ago so now we're dating." He responded in the most boring voice "Ooh i never thought Frank would have one.I mean i always got him into sports so he would sometime get a girlfriend so that never happened mostly when he told me he was gay." "I said bisexual Dad." "Never mind my names Cheech by the way make yourself at home." Frank quickly walked past him and ran to his room.

"Your Dad is a nice guy." I say once i entered the room which was larger then his moms place and he didnt have a lot of posters but it is messy like always "You know when i grow up i'll never make the same mistake my parents made." He says once his father entered the room "So you two will be sleeping here?" "Yes sir." I say and he smirks "Frank.remember to use these." He handed Frank a box and i blushed and looked away.I can just tell Frank was beyond furious now.


"Alright lets just get this ready." I say as i start gathering wood and Frank who is just reading a book "I don't get why you hate your Dad.I would do anything to spend at least a day with my dad." "Did you see what my Dad just gave me? It was a fucking box of fucking condoms for fuck sake!" "You kids all done?" Non of us said anything "Frank your grandpa just arrived." "About fucking time.' Frank ran inside the house leaving me with his Dad. "You know Frank and I used to be close like any other father/son relationship but everything went downhill when his mother and I got a divorce.Ever since that he's been distant with me. If i could turn back time it wouldve been to be a better father and spend one last day with him like we used to." 

His Dad left me now alone while now I had a plan and i just hope it turns out well.Right after i finished what neither of this men did i headed and took a shower "Yeah i do hope it works." "What will work?" I nearly screamed when I saw Frank in the room "Nothing..w-when did you get here?" I stutter as i hug the towel closer to me once Frank starts walking towards me "I was also taking a shower so how about we get dirty for a bit." He quickly kissed me and laid me in bed and my towel fell and his too.He didnt waste any time to kiss and touch me i started to moan once he lined up as i held onto the sheets  as he attacked my neck "Frank." I whisper and he quickened and kissed my lips again."Hey kids just wanted to tell you that dinner is ready." We both stopped and glanced over the door and saw his Dad staring at us with his mouth open.

He didnt say a word and just closed the door behind him "Shit not this again." I mutter as i sat up and covered myself with the sheets "This is so embarrassing." Frank says but laughs and i glare at him.Right after that awkward encounter,Frank and I were outside the house "Look over there." I look up and see a tree house "If you had a tree house we wouldve come here." I whine "Sorry i forgot...if i someday have kids and a happy family i'll do anything to make them happy...Emily...promise me you wont leave me for Mikey cause i would love to marry you." My heart started beating faster when he said he wants to marry me "I swear Frank...i'll never leave you alone." I hug him tight and everything about Mikey just went away i just hope life were easy...

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