As time fly's bye (Chapter 2)

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      We where settling in and adapting well. Ashley was out everyday and wasn't home tell about 4am or later. No one really knew what she was doing all night. I guess she just had some awesome secret social life that she didn't want to tell anyone about. Me being tired of being alone quickly became friends with Tomo. He was funny but most of the time in a subtle way except for the random hilarious outbreaks that i had come to know and love. He was pretty random at times but for  the most  part he was really chill. His wife Vikki and I got along well and she would come over from time to time. But besides Ashley who was AWOL most of the time Tomo was my best friend.

Oddly him and all the other guys had keys to the house and would just let themselves in when ever they felt like it. I learned that the embarrassing way.

One day when Ashley had went and did what ever she does. I decided to take a shower and then not put on a towel when i went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I didn't think anyone was there so i was enjoying the freedom. As i turned the corner into the Kitchen there was Tomo standing there with a shocked expression.

Here's how that convo went.


"I didn't know you were home!" he covered his eye's quickly.

"Why are you here!" i yelled as i ran back to get a towel.

"I came for Ashley but she wasn't here so i figured you wern't ether." He said defensively. 

I walked into the kitchen not able to look up at him as I was a very self conscious person and well he had seen me naked.

"How did you get in, oh and didn't you hear the shower running?" I asked testing his i didn't think anyone was home story.

"I have a key and I'm sorry i didn't honestly." he moved his feet showing that he was as uncomfortable as me.

"I-It's OK i understand." I looked up and laughed at his facial expression. It was shock fear and surprise all in rolled up in one and on him it looked  so funny.

"Why are you laughing?" Confusion swept over his face and the funny looking expression was gone.

"Your face looked funny a second ago." I snickered some more. He just started laughing.

That is how I learned they just come in whenever.


Me and Tomo were sitting in the living room after deciding not to go to back to his house because traffic was bad and we both didn't feel like it. When two people burst through the door. It was Shannon and Ashley kissing passionately. Ash kicked the door shut and Shannon spun them so Ashley was pressed against the wall. They hadn't noticed us watching them yet so I started clapping. Ashley looked up her face bright red. Shannon put some sunglasses on and looked away. Tomo started laughing like a mad man. I stood up and did a dramatic faint onto the couch.

"So that's where you were all those days." i sat back up looking at the red faced Ashley.

"Sneaking around isn't nice you two." he shook his finger back and forth. Ashley just stood there with her mouth open not producing any words.

"Fine i'll say it me and Ashley are fuck buddies." Shannon wrapped his arm around Ashley and pulled her closer to him. My heart raced glad to hear they wern't together together but then again it sank knowing that they were intimate with one another.

"Why didn't you tell us." i frowned. It's not like i would have judged her if she would have told me she was sleeping with Shannon freaking leto. 

"Uh we uh wanted to uh keep it under uh raps." she seemed very over whelmed. 

"OK, coolage." i turned back to the TV not wanting to spend anymore time on there weird hook up deal. Tomo did as well.

"See why i don't like American Idol no one cool ever wins." Tomo rolled his eye's as some guy sung his heart out.

"Don't lie, I saw that Phillip Phillip's CD in the stack of CD's." he wiggled his eye brows at me. 

"Shut it." i yelled hiding my secret love for Phillip Phillips.

"Oh Shannon, Ashley you can sit if you'd like you don't have to stand there all night long." They slowly walked into the living room. 

As the night went on Ashley and Shannon loosened up. Tomo and I finisher our American idol episodes. And we all went our separate ways.


So not much really happened in this chapter...

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Love you all my fab few creeps!


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