Rescued (Chapter 20)

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I had been tied to this chair for 1 and a half weeks now. Jason constantly watched me or Hannah did. Hannah wan't that bad when you got her to talk. She was differently crazy but she was better company than Jason's bipolar ass. I found out that she was in love with Jason but he only ever spoke of me. She had been with him as his family for two years now. I honestly felt bad for her i had been with him for a little over a week and i wanted to give up on life. I had learned to keep my mouth shut about ninety eight percent of the time the other two percent i risked being hit if i didn't answer him. I had a big purple bruise on my cheek and a couple more in my stomach region. He had told me that he enjoys watching me cry out in pain, which I found disturbing and quite scary. He had tightened the ropes around my wrists so tight that the rope was cutting into me. I hurt to move, to breath even. This abusive crazy asshole was making me want to end it all it wouldn't be hard but i can't I have to be alive for Jared. God i missed Jared when i close my eyes i see him there at the end of the isle, standing outside the bathroom door in Paris, kneeling on stage with a black ring box in his hand, turning around at the party with a smile on his face, lying in bed with me that first night, looking into my eyes for the first time at the airport. My heart ached the emotional tole was becoming so hard to bare. Hannah had know that I was interested in Jared and that Jason loved me that is what really made her want to sleep with him out of her hatred for me. 

Week Two:

Jason has made my rations ridiculously small down to a piece of bread and one glass of water, not to mention that the water tastes weird and the breed is hard as rock. Sometimes when i open my eye's I see things. My mind is slipping, I don't know whats happening. Last night i Thought I heard Jared calling my name but it wasn't real I know it wasn't real it couldn't be. What's happening to me, I stared at the concrete floor beneath me. Hold it together Lena you have to think of Jared, Shannon, Tomo, Ash, Zoey hell even Alex. I looked up and my head shot back in surprise.

It was Shannon holding gun to his head.

"NOOOOOOO!" I screamed. It is real it isn't real. I repeat over and over in my head. I squeezed my eyes shut. Lena it's not real. I opened my eyes tentatively nothing just nothing. What is happening to me. 

The next day:

Hannah came and talked me down trough a screaming fit. I had dreamt or at least i hope it was a dream not my friken ridiculous hell of a reality, that Jared was dead and Jason had beat him right there in front of me there was nothing i could do to save him. He cried and he screamed for me but i couldn't save him. It was the worst nightmare I have ever had. Hannah was being nicer but when Jason would show that he still loved me all progress between us would disappear. I had however convinced her to loosen the ropes so my fingers wouldn't fall off. 

This is living hell i have no idea what is going on with my family, my friends. I don't know if Jared is ok or if Jason took him as well. The damn hallucinations have convinced me that i am indeed losing my mind. They also have me constantly scared that i'd see something terrible. Even when i close my eye's I hear them scream in pain and in terror. But if i sleep the nightmares flood in and I get no rest i just can't keep this up for much longer. My body, my mind will give up. My will is strong but it is fading, I'm waiting for rescue that may never come. 

The room is still and I'm alone again. I try to keep my eyes open and stay aware of reality. I'm slipping and I feel it. My body aches from the beatings, and from the malnutrition. I'm frail, I'm weak, and barley there anymore. I look around unsure of the reason why but I do, i don't know what I'm looking for. I suppose it could be anything. 

"We don't love you any more." I hear three mirror voices say.

"We arn't coming for you." I slowly turn my head not wanting to see his face.

Up In The Air, Chasing A Dream.(Jared Leto Fic)  [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now