Time to talk (Chapter 10)*Graphic*

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I rolled over and smacked my alarm clock onto the floor. I groaned and got out of bed half asleep. Zoey left a note on my bathroom door.

We need to go SHOPPING!



I walked in my bathroom and did the normal morning routine. I wandered out to the kitchen, Of course no one had made coffee. I went to the cabinet and found my favorite Belgium imported coffee Shannon had once tried to steal it it's so good.  I walked to zoe's room.


"You awake in there?"  I pressed my ear to the door to see if i could hear signs of life. 

"YES MA'AM!" Zoey's hi pitched voiced voice sung from the other side of the door.

"Can i come in?" I leaned on the door.

"Can you?"She asked taunting me.

"May I?" I put a touch of adjuration in my voice. She swung the door open making me almost fall. She had allof her clothing strung around the room in a giant mess. I walked around the room scanning her clothes. I picked up a pair of work jeans that still had mud on them.

"These why we need to go shopping?"I asked looking at the holes and bleach stains.

"Yeah i decided i look a little to country for you crowd." I set the jeans down and walked over to her.

"I don't appose shopping ever, but if it's just because you don't think you will fit in with me and Ashley's friends then you shouldn't go every one will love you." I reached for a plaid shirt that had pink lace on it.

"See all we need to do is change it up a little not a complete take over change type of thing." I said looking through the piles of cloths. 

"But i kinda want to change it up, you know be more modern than country." 

"Fine then we shall go shopping today." I smiled and walked out of the room. I pranced back to the kitchen, excited for my coffee. I grabbed a Thermos and went to my room sipping the wonderfully contents. I put on a simple blue Cotton shirt with and some light denim skinny jeans.  I pulled on my brown leather boot's and my matching brown bag. 

"Zoey get out here!" i yelled ready to go. 

"Coming coming!" she ran out. I grabbed my keys and headed for the door. 


After two hours of shopping we went home with tunes of bags. I helped zoey put every thing away then I called Jared.

"Hey." He sounded a bit worried.

"You said you wanted to see me today." I said a little afraid.

"I do."

"Ok when and where?"

"I will swing by it's a surprise."He voice was a bit more happy than before/

"Fine see you when ever you decide." 


"Bye you."

He hung up i decided that i might want to put a little more effort into what i was wearing. In picked through a couple bags. I grabbed a red and black dress and slipped it on. I twirled in front of the mirror. When two hands wrapped around me. 

"Hi Jared." i grabbed his hands.

"You look good." he spun me to face him.

"Only for you." he smiled a half smile as i poked his nose.

"What's wrong?"I frowned at him.

"We need to talk." his half smile fell into a frown that matched mine..

"About what?" i put my hand on his cheek.  

"Not here ok." he grabbed my hand and lead me outside to his car. 


We arrived to a secluded parking place out side of town. 

"What do we need to talk about?" My heart is beating a million beats per minute. 

"It stirred up something strange in me when i heard that you and Shannon had been together." he wasn't looking at me.

"I'm sorry I wanted to hurt you i guess, but i think it hurt me more." I put my face in my hands. He rubbed my back.

"You succeed it hurt me." I felt worse as he said it to me.

"I'm so sorry." i looked up to him. My green eyes meeting his blue one's. 

"That's not the point." He shook it off like it hadn't just happened.

"What's the point?" 

"The point is i want to be with you." I froze.

"What?" my eye's widened. 

"I want to be with you." He looked at me very seriously.

"Yo-you want to be with m-m-me?" I stuttered. 

"That's what i said, isn't it." I didn't say anything i just placed my lips against his. I pulled myself to him.

"I want to be with you Jared." i broke away from the kiss. 

"Be mine and only mine?" He looked at me with a cold dark stare that frightened me.

"Yes Jared im will be yours." i nodded my head the look in his eyes left.  He grabbed my arms.

"I won't share you and you won't share me." He kissed me roughly making shivers run down my spine in waves. I pulled away out of breath. 

"Let's go somewhere." he agreed and we drove off to a hotel. We walked hastily to the room. I tried to open the door but couldn't focus enough, Jared was trailing kisses down my neck. I finally opened the door. I could feel my dress being unzipped. I turned around and started to undress him. Before i knew it i was being pushed onto the bed. My mind and heart race faster than they have ever before. It went by to fast but it was the most blissful experience of my life.  I laid next to Jared panting and sweaty. 



"I know you want to be with me as in a boyfriend, but i just want to let you know I love...." My voice trailed off the door swung open with a loud BANG! 


Hey there the fab and few creepers how have you been? So yeah i really ahd to get them together in more than one way ;). Any way vote comment subscribe.  I Know it's sort but i have been really busy.

Love you all


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