New experiences. (Chapter Five)

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Ashley Spent all her time with that guy Alex who i grew to dislike with every passing moment. I spent a lot of time with Tomo these days and I mean sure Tomo was a great friend but sometimes you really just need your girl friends. It'd been hard to never have one around.before I moved I had one other amazing friend named Zoey. Me and Zoey hadn't had the same relationship as me and Ash because Zoey always had a douche bag boy friend who controled what she did. She was this little skinny blond bomb shell with pale blue eye's, I'd always considered her one of the most beautiful people id ever met. Truth is i had alway's been a little jealous but it never really affected our relationship. I grabbed my cell and decided to call her, the more I thought about her the more I missed her.

"Oh my goodness Lena it's been forever!" She yelled into the phone.

"I know." i sighed I was being such a bad friend to her.

"How's CO?" She asked in her high pitched voice

"Well Ash and I got a job in LA/ Hollywood area."

"OMG so cool!"

"Yeah," I waited a moment. "Would you maybe want to come visit? We're looking for another roommate so if you were intrested you could check it out."

"YES!" she screamed with no hesitation. Zoey had always dreamed of flashing light and great adventures. I knew she'd at least be intrested.

"No need to explode my ear drums, I will get your flight ready." I chuckled my spirits were already high, it was a good call even if it was sudden.

"Thank you, you've always been good at that thing im sure that has to do with you swooping a job out there lol, ill start packing right now!' She clicked off and i smiled. I suppose she was right i was good at that kind of thing and it really did help.

Laying down I decided to shut my eyes get a little rest when my phone rang.

Unknown number strange.


"Hey it's Shannon."

"Oh hey!" I lurched up suprised to hear his voice.

"Has Jared talked to you today?" What a weird question considering Jared never talk's to me no matter how hard i try.

"No why?" I said with a sigh.

"He won't answer the door or my calls." As he said that I noticed he did sound a little frazzled.

"Shannon just go home try not worry about it I'm sure he's fine. I'll go over there an see if i can figure out what's up with him, he's probably just in a mood or something."

"Okay i guess, I'm not making any progress call me if you make any." He hung up and I hailed an uber. While I waited i went ahead and changed into a comfy hoodie and jeans.

A few minutes later i was off up the hills to Kareds house. I ended up having him dropme off about half a block away from Jared's so i could have some time to prepair. As i walked up to the house i considered going home he'd deffinantly been avoiding me and i was sure he wasn't fond of me. But i guess for Shannons sake I could do it. I kust needed to get over my little crush his steele blue eyes couldnt captivate me forever id have to get over him some day. I found my resolve and walked up to the door.

"Jared It's Aleana." I called as I rapped on the door. A few minutes went by but the door opened to a tired looking Jared. His shirt was off and his hair was in a pony tail. His eyes had black circles he looked pretty bad.

"Jared what's wrong?" I asked as i walked through the door way into his dimly lit house. He slowly shut the door and walked into the kitchen and came back out with a glass of water. He waved for me to fallow him. As I followed behind him I couldn't help but feel weird seeing him in nothing but pajama pants when i was so used to his high fashion stage looks. I mean it was a good look, if He didn't look so haggered im sure itd be nice to see him relaxed for once. We went into his bedroom at the end of the hall. I stoped in front of the door. Most women who went through this threshold were stunning models, and here I was. My confidence plumited even though i was happy with my self image. Someone like Jared could do that to you, make you second guess everything about yourself. I'm pretty sure he's aware of how intimidating he can be.

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