Home and back Again(Chapter 16)

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Tomo would not talk to me as in he just refused. 

Everyone noticed that Tomo would only send me messages through Vicky who of coarse I had told so she could relay messages between us. When ever Vicky came in the room there were so many strange glances among st  it's occupants. It had been three days and i would be leaving tomorrow Ya for me. I had cards and flowers from random people, no traces of Jason. I waited for the usual hospital happenings, they happened at almost the same time every day. I listened to the hustle an bustle of people. I blocked out the screams and moans. Jared, Shannon, Ashley, Andy, Alex, and Zoey came and went. Vicky came in and out with messages. I was watching the clock just waiting for it to be the next day, i tried to sleep but it really wasn't happening. My thoughts always traced back to my pregnancy   I felt like crap. I had to tell both of them but how. Oh hey Jared guess what I'm pregnant and before you get all happy I'm not sure if it's yours. Shannon guess what i might be having your baby! I felt like the worst person alive and tomo wasn't helping. Being stuck in a hospital left only with your thoughts its hard to ever not think about it. Jared was planning our wedding for next month so i could be nice and healthy for it. My conshince was eating away at me. 

I looked over and saw Jared.

"Hey ." He was smiling.

"Hey Jare." I gave him a half smile, he brushed my hair off my forehead. His hand traced down the side of my face.

"I get to take you home in two hours." his soft fingers brushed down my arm.  I looked at the clock sure enough 10:00.

"I'm so ready to be out of here."

'I know." He laced his fingers through mine.

"My bed won't be so lonely." he pulled my hand up to his mouth, kissing it softly.

"Jare." He looked into my eyes


"I want to sleep at my place."

"I'm staying with you." He frowned a bit.

"Ok." He held my hand between both of his. It was just me and him at the moment.  

"No more hospital for you." He was smiling again. 



Two hours later

"Jared I'm OK!"

"Let me help you."

"No!" Me and Jared were walking to the elevator. 

"I will be fine, i promise."

"No im helping you." He wrapped his arm around my waist and held me very close. 

"Fine." I pushed the button.

"Are you sure you don't want me to carry you?" 

"No i don't want you to through your back out." I shook my head. 

"OK." The elevator door opened and we walked out to the lobby. 

"Ma'am we have flowers and balloons here for you." I  looked towards the receptionist who looked as if she worked in a flower shop. She was surrounded in bucaes of flowers and balloons. I rolled my eye's i guess the Echelon support our marriage. 

"Have them shipped to her house would you Meredith." Jared Kept us walking.

"Will do Mr......" She giggled "Leto." I humphed and we continued. Into the parking lot. I was wearing one of Jared's leather Jackets. We made it to my scion, Jared walked me to the passenger seat much to my disappointment.  

We drove back to my place. The lights where off and no one was awake. Jared was very reluctant to let me climb the stairs on my feet, but me being so stubborn got him to give in. We made it to my bedroom, i crawled into my crisp white sheets and slept. 

I sat up in bed stretching my arms. Jared wasn't next to me in bed. I kicked my legs out of bed looking down there was blood. Lots of it the sheet where covered in it my lower body was to.

"JARED!" I heard running.  The door banged open it was Alex with Jared close behind.  Jared pushed Alex out of the way and got over to me.

"Where are you hurt how are you hurt?" He was panicking his eye's running every where.

"I-i Don't know." I Felt up my shirt nothing no stab wounds. I felt the back of my head nothing. 

"Where is all the blood coming from!" Jared looked all over me. 

"I don't don't know!" Jared lifted me out of bed and carried me to the car. We rushed to the hospital. 

"I don't feel any pain but threes so much blood." There was blood covering my hands now and a little on Jared's. We pulled up to the emergency room yet again and went inside. 

"There's blood so much blood." Jared said as we walked up to the receptionist. 

"We can take her right in." A nurse walked out with a gurney. 


An hour later they had determined that i had had a miscarriage. I broke down and insisted that Shannon be called and told to come down here. Jared wondered why that i needed Shannon after finding out that i had a miscarriage. I didn't say much until Shannon showed up.

"Shannon!" I through my arms open hugging him. Jared got slightly upset but shrugged it off. 

"Guy's i have to tell you something." I twiddled my thumbs. 

"Yeah babe?" Jared put his hand on my shoulder. 

"I don't know if the baby was yours or yours." I pointed from Jared to Shannon. 

"What!' Jared was pissed and stormed out of the room. Shannon Covered his eyes and sat down next to me.

"Im sorry that he stormed out." 

"That could have been your child i had i would be pretty mad to." I rested my head on his back.

"He'll get over it Lena."

"I don't know about that." 

"He will he loves you more than anybody else."



"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"I can't and tell Jared im sorry i think after this im gonna go out of town for awhile."

"Your not going any where." Jared walked through the door.

"Oh Jared I'm so sorry I-i can you forgive me i just need you to forgive me." Tears started to roll down my cheeks. 

"Aleana i love you, i can forgive you." He hugged me.

"I'm sorry gouy's." I was crying. 

"Yeah yeah shut it we forgive you." Shannon patted my back.

"Now let's get you better and home." Jared said brushing his hair back.

"Thank you." I leaned back and shut my eye's. My baby is gone, and my heart feel's a little empty. I'm gonna need Jared even more than i did before. 


So long time since i have had an update i know but i started four new stories. Two new mars stories that i will be putting up sometime next week check em out then. Anyway she lost little Leto

:(. Anyway after this hopefully we can get to The Wedding. Again im sorry about taking FOREVER to get an update out.

Love you my fab few creeps.


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