Chapter 2

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Mace above ( new )

I got off the plane and looked around the busy airport. This place was bustling with people, families and workers. My search stopped when I saw a very familiar pair of green orbs wave at me. Jake. I squealed, jumping into his open welcoming arms. It felt so good to be in the arms of my best friend again, it's been 3 fucking years.

"Mace how are you?! It's been so long since I've see you. You've changed, you must tell me all about it..." Jake went on and on rambling about my trip and the new me.

"I had a long trip let's go crash at yours Jake." I asked hopeful. Smiling he replied. "Sure lets get going." Jake lifted my luggage and we headed to his car in the parkade. We hopped in and threw my stuff in the back. Jake then started the car and began driving.

It's been 3 years since I've left for London. In London I went to a pristine academy and world class gym. I was the top fighter, girls and boys. I lived in an apartment on campus with two other girls, Bailey  and Maddie. During these three years I became thinner, stronger and more confident. In my second year in London I died my brown hair blonde, and then a couple weeks later I got tattoos. They were my favourite part of the new appearance. London really helped me, and now I'm ready to play him.

We stopped at Jakes driveway and got out. He grabbed my bags and brought them in, and placing them in his room. We sat on his bed and I prepared myself for all his questions.

"What happened in London Mace? You look so different," Jake asked. "In my first year in London I joined a gym, and learned how to fight. I soon became the best fighter, male and female, in the entire league. My manager then started entering me into matches, championships and tournament. As a fighter you have a name that everyone calls you. Mine was Ace. On my second year in London I changed my hair, got the tattoos and started to party more, showing off the new me. I also started dating my best friend Drake." I smiled as I thought about Drake. We meet outside the bookstore. It's actually quit funny. He crashed into me and told me to watch where I was going. Me being me I told him to watch where he's going. We hated each other for a bit, but we soon grew into friends and eventually more. I might have left out some things like a certain boy and past.

I yawned and Jake looked at the clock, "It's almost ten let's get you to bed. Don't want to scare the kids at school with your bed head tomorrow," he teased. I smiled and laid down on the bed, Jake following my actions. I curled into a ball and Jake cuddled my back side.

I closed my eyes and let the dark consume me. "It's nice to have you back Macey. Goodnight" I faintly heard Jake say, he kissed my forehead and I fell into a deep slumber.

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