Chapter 13

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Alina's soccer kit

The loud pounding inside my head woke me up almost instantly and I regretted even lifting an eye lid. Fucking hangover. I moaned and started reaching around for my phone. Finally when I found it I opened my eyes and looked at the several texts from an unknown number.

(780 )592-2847: hey beautiful I enjoyed last night;)

Fuck winky face, this must be serious. I texted Giwa because she was our ride home so she surely wasn't hungover. Within minutes she was in my room handing me and Advil and water. Showing her the phone message I asked "Who's this?" She looked at me as if I'd grown a second head. "You must've been stoned man. That's Adrian's number you guys spent all night kissing, grinding and groping each other."

I was mortified. I let Adrian play with me and vice versa. Rules 1-7 were just broken. "Shit. I fucked up massive." I told her. "Hey wheres Merica and Alina?" I questioned. She burst out laughing at this and I winced at the loud noise. "Sorry. Alina's in Drakes room, with Drake. And Merica spent the night with Caleb if you know what I mean. God all you guys are terrible when your drunk." She stated and then looked at me sincerely. "Babe I think you should forget about the revenge you promised Adrian. This isn't an easy thing and I don't want you hurt." I looked at her in awe as the brilliant words came out of her mouth. I was seriously thinking about what she said but she just had to ruin it by saying a dumb thing. "By the way Alina's soccer game is in 45 minutes and I promised you'd be there so let's get you showered and dressed."
Looking in the mirror one last time I was amazed. I looked surprisingly good for a day after hangover. I was wearing a pair of ripped jean shorts and a teal spaghetti strap tank top. "Let's go bitch. Get your skinny ass in the car." I jumped at Giwas words but none the less got my 'skinny ass' into the red Ford Escape.

Looking upon the field I caught Alina's eye and she looked surprisingly active and ready to go. Give must've noticed where and what I was looking at because she said "I know she looks great. Apparently Drake have her 4 Advil tablets. So today we get to watch a drugged Alina play soccer. She's sooooo gonna kill us after." Laughing I turned my attention to the soccer field where the ref just blew the whistle indicating the start of the game.

They won 5-0 Alina scoring all five. I was probably just as shocked as everyone else who was at the party. I walked down from the bleachers and stood against the locker waiting for Alina so I could congratulate her. I felt something before I could see it. Tingles shot up my arm causing me to look up into the eyes of none other than Adrian. He smirked at me before quickly slipping something into my hand. "Open it later." He whispered into my earlobe before running off to his friends in the distance.

Turning my focus back towards the dressing room I noticed Alina and Drake making out. Bitch better spill later. Deciding my congratulations could wait I turned and left wondering what the hells written on this paper?

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