Chapter 18

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Alina's soccer kit ( jersey, socks and shorts )

We were awoken by the sound of coach screaming through his megaphone. Thank god we had our own floor otherwise we'd have to deal with all the angry residents. "Get your asses up. We gave a soccer game to attend to!" You could hear all of the groans and complaints from the buys and the gasps and footsteps of the scrambling girls trying to get ready.

I headed into the bathroom and took my shower. After I blow dried my hair to its natural waves and dressed into blue short ripped shorts, a nice loose grey crop top to show off my tattoos and a pair of red toms. Merica had a nice yellow summer dress that went up to her knees and she sported a pair of black wedges. "Let's go bitch." I shouted Mericas head popped out of the bathroom and she glared at me. "I'm shitting woman. Let my ass take its time." She shouted back. I gave her a look of disgust and headed into the hallway. "Morning kitten." Adrian said. "Morning asshole." I replied with the same tone. "Gosh someone's time of the month came early." I glared at him and he chuckled. "Listen I didn't come out here to fight. After the game me and the guys are heading out to a club and I was wondering if you, Merica and Alina wanted to join us?" He hesitated and I answered, "Sure. But don't expect us to be there on time. Knowing Mer she'll probably try and get Alina in a dress and all hell breaks lose then." He laughed and I smiled. "Got to go head over to the field and calm Alina down. Bye." I waved back at Adrian as I exited the building.

Merica was already in the car waiting for me. I laughed as I hopped in and said "You sneaky little bitch. Didn't even notice you leave." She chuckles and I turned the key, the engine roaring to life as we head to the field.

When we arrived Alina was down at the field level and she was pacing back and forth. I jogged down to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's going to be fine. Your the best player in the state, you have all the trophies to prove it. So go out there and play your game." I soothed. She smiled at me, but then she turned serious. "What if we lose. I can't lose to our rival team. So you know how bad that looks. It's going to look almost as bad as their team captain." I laugh but shit up when I see two figures approach us. "Well look who it is, Alina Starcovich. Little miss soccer USA." She turned to me and sneered. "And who might you be, bitch." This pissed me off and I glared at her, then answered. "I'm your worst nightmare, slut." She gasped at this and stormed off leaving her bench man behind. He looked at Alina and scowled. "Look you little whore you may be able to play the game but you'll never lead the team to victory. Face it Creshenshaw is better that you." He laughed and added with a wink. "Later if your still upset my dick and I can cheer you up." Alina gasped as he slapped her ass and started to grope her, forcibly. I went to push him off but he was like a rock so I did the only thing I could think of, I ran to get Drake. He was more than pissed when he saw the dude forcing his tongue into Alina's mouth. Pushing him off her Drake picked up Alina. I felt bad for Drake. He was so pissed but couldn't hit the guy since he was participating in the playoffs and this would lead to an automatic suspension. But I wasn't playing so I landed a nice upper cut, followed by a jab to the rib and I finished it off with a punch to the nose. 'Crack'  after hearing the satisfying noise I turned to Alina to make sure she was okay and I saw Drake huddling her close to his chest. I smiled at her and she returned it mouthing a thanks.

The whistle blew signalling the start of the game and Alina made her way to the ref to shake hands and do the coin flip. After setting up on the left side Alina set herself up on the centre line and passed it shortly to Casey. The game had officially kicked off.

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