Chapter 12- Alinas pov

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Drake above

The wind rustled the leaves and whipped my face. It's been 4 days and Mericas period is finally over. I mean it was crazy I needed stitches for god sake and don't even get me started on where Mace found a couple of tampons.

Today is Friday and me, Mace and Merica are going to Drakes party. I really regret agreeing to this, I mean for gods sake I'm gonna have to wear a dress and I don't wear dresses.

I rang her doorbell and mace appeared at the door. She viscously grabbed my hand, dragging me forwards. The door slammed shut behind me and I shivered with fear. "Looks like there's no turning back. Merica turn on the shower, get the shampoo, conditioner, razor and wax. Don't forget the lotion, makeup, hairspray and short dress." She smirked and my eyes widened in shock. Short dress. Those words rang through my head the entire run up the flight of stairs and into the bedroom. "We've been expecting you. Welcome to the beautiful side." Mericas voice boomed. "In the bathroom now. Shower, shampoo, condition, wash and shave. If it's not all done I'll do it for you. NOW GO!" I whimpers and ran into the bathroom, laughter boomed in the other room. "Yay, yay real funny." I muttered. Stripping I headed into the shower to shampoo, condition, wash and shave.

I dried my body of with the towel then wrapped the robe around me. Steeping out of the bathroom I saw Merica doing Mace. Naw I'm kidding we was doing Maces hair, I think she was putting it into a bun? They turned their head and saw me, Merica smiled. "Ok my little slut in training I want you to lube your body up with that coconut scented lotion." Slut in training. I thinks it's getting to her head. It's just one party, right? Regardless of my thoughts I still lubed myself up. When I was done they motioned me over and all hell role lose.

It started with the hair then makeup them wardrobe. By the end of it all I thought I was going to break. Spinning around I gaped at the person in front of me. She was wearing a short one shouldered dress, her hair curled slightly and dyed. Her makeup was light but still noticeable and her nails were evenly cut and painted grey. She was about 5'8' with the giant heels on her feet and her ears were sporting huge hoop earrings.

"We did good Mace." Merica smiled. "I agree." Mace replied. I smiled at the two, "Yah thanks guys." I said sincerely but then decided to joke. "I would totally bang myself if I could. I look smokin hot." They laughed and Merica looked at the time. "Let's go bitches. Alinas man is waiting." My man? Before I could ask we were on our way down the stairs. I must've taken or missed a step but the next thing I know I'm tumbling down the stairs.

Merica and Mace meet me at the bottom, at first I assume they'll ask me if I'm okay but instead they laugh at me. "Let's get in the fucking car and go to the fucking party." I mumbled angrily. They ripped the tears off their faces and we headed to the car, off to the fucking party.
The car was literarily shaking from the loud music. Light exploded form the house and the air reeked of puke. We entered the house and someone grabbed my hand. Looking up I see Mace, "Follow me. Let's go try and find Drake he's a friend Jakes." She yelled. Nodding we headed into the kitchen.

Mace seemed to be looking around for a bit until she set her eyes stopped on something, or should I say someone. Standing before me was the hottest guy ever. He had the bluest eyes and pink plump lips. His hair was a dark brown and he had a fine jawline. His tan complexion gave him a sort of glow.

"Hey Drake," Mace greeted. "Do you know where Adrian is. This is the perfect place to start my revenge." Drake looked at her and answered "Yah he's in the living room. Last I saw him he was locking lips with some blond." Mace looked like she was about to explode. "That little bastard. Thanks Alina you stay here and have a good time." I smiled at her and turned to Drake. My breath was caught in my throat when I saw he was staring at me.

"Your very beautiful." I turned as red as a tomato and replied. "Thanks your face looks nice too." I froze when I realized what I had said, but Drake just laughed and thanked me. "I'm guessing you don't get very many compliments." I shook my head and he smiled. "I've seen you around school. Your the soccer star right, girls captain and track medalist." I smiled and replied, "Yah that's me. I bet this sounds bad but I've never heard or seen you before." He chuckled. "I'm on the boys soccer team." My face became warmer at his words. "Sorry I guess I don't pay enough attention." His chest rumbled with laughter. "So I've never seen you at a party, what's with the change." It was now my turn to laugh "It's a long story." I said. "That's ok I've got time. Come let's go to my room and talk." I was a little hesitant and he must've noticed. "Sit and talk Alina. Those are my only intentions unless you want a slice of Drake." He wiggled his eyes brows and we both burst into laughter. He grabbed my hands and sparks shot up my arm. Dragging me up the stairs, down the hallway and into his room.
Let's hope Merica and Mace don't come looking for me.

The end finally.

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