Chapter 16

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It's been a week since me and Adrian's classroom fiasco. We had a hectic week, with my fights and Alina's soccer. Right now me, Alina and Merica are packing our bags into Alina's truck for Alina's soccer tourn- sorry not tourney, playoffs, in Banff. When I first said tourney Alina glared at me so hard that if looks could kill I'd be twelve feet under.

After we got that all sorted out we had to come up with a way to convince coach to let us on the bus. I mean it's not like the entire team takes up all the seats. The boys and girls are traveling on the same bus. There's 16 players in each team and 40 seats on the bus. So all week we were showering coach with chocolates, serenading him with compliments and we even managed to get him a date with the French teacher. Of course once the boys heard we were going they took it upon their selves to join us. So we have the boys and girls teams coming, me and Merica and Adrian and Jax. We were all piled up inside Alina's black truck at one in the morning, driving to the school so we can board the bloody bus.

Oh did I forget to mention the boys are also in here. Alina's crush on Drake had increased severely so if course when he said he and his friends needed a ride she was the first to raise a finger. It was actually adorable how Alina acted around Drake, but it's also annoying. They both like each other yet they haven't even been on a date.

The car pulled to a stop and we hopped out. Alina opened the truck bed and we all scavenged for our bags. "Hurry up Drake. Same goes for you Alina. If y'all not on this bus in the next five minutes were leaving without you and you can say good bye to that captain band Alina." Alina threw her bag over her shoulder like a mad women and rushed over to the bus doors, leaving the rest of us behind. Drake chuckled and jogged after her. In all honesty if you saw us right now you wouldn't think we were leaving to go to Banff, you'd think we're fleeing Russia.

We finally managed to drag ourselves on the bus and then another problem arose. The seating arrangement. It wasn't really all that hard considering Alina was obviously sitting with Drake. Merica left to go sit with her soccer crush, a.k.a Brandon, and Jax went to go sit with Cole so it left me and Adrian. Fuck. I looked at him and he was smirking at me, ughhh. "Fine I take isle seat you take window seat." He nodded and we put our bags with clothes in the upper compartment and left the bags with electronics and food at our feet. We managed to settle down and I finally remembered Jake. Who's he sitting with. I looked around the bus and saw him sitting with Daya. She's the girls keeper. I think she's really good for him. Me and the girls think Giwas a good person but we don't think she's right for Jake, plus I get a bad feeling around her.

I put my earbuds in and turned on the music. Adrian of course didn't take that as a hint because he soon started pooling my cheek. Fuck this is going to be a long trip. The bus pulled out of the lay by and we headed off to Banff.

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