Chapter 15

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Maces outfit

Regret clouded my mind this morning. As the warm water cascaded down my body I thought about all my life choices. Dating Adrian, moving, fighting, Caleb. I've messed up so much in my life, like yesterday with Adrian. I didn't regret kissing him, it wasn't a drunken mistake I just became worried about my old feelings which are now resurfacing again. Caleb was the best mistake I've ever made, he was my baby. I've never been able to forget that day, it was terrible seeing my baby die.

I pulled on a pair of blue skinny jeans, a grey short sleeved crop top and sandals. In the bathroom I tied my hair up into a messy bun and applied lipgloss, mascara and liquid eyeliner. Picking up my bag and sunglasses I headed downstairs for breakfast. Opening the pantry I grabbed a granola bar and headed out to my car. The engine rumbled to life and I headed off to school.
I opened the door to the class and when the teachers eyes bulged and all heads turned towards me I knew I was officially fashionably late. Sending the teacher a wink I strutted towards my seat with my signature smirk plastered on my face. Adrian was looking forwards, completely ignoring me and I had a feeling it had something to do with yesterday's events. It was about ten minutes into class when I felt a warm calloused hand on my thigh. My face heated up and I slapped it away. Not eve five minutes after the hand came back but higher this time, right on my peach ( A/N: Peach is code word for Vigina )

I moaned and quickly slapped a hand over my mouth in shock. The class looked at me and u sank down further into my seat. "You two can have a quickie after my class now quite down and listen up." I almost exploded when Mr. Germanie said this aloud to the class. Adrian smirked beside and opened his mouth but it was quickly covered by my hand. I felt something wet touch my hand and I pulled it back in horror. He licked me. His hand lifted higher and he started to rub circles. He chuckled and lifted a finger to his lips signalling for me to be quite. I bit my lip trying to silence my moans. The bell finally rang and I got up all to quickly and dashed out of the class leaving Adrian in his own laughs.

Alina's soccer outfit

The day dragged on and the end of the day came all to slowly

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The day dragged on and the end of the day came all to slowly. Me, Giwa and Merica were sitting in the stands right now watching Alina's soccer practice. A few rows down from us was Adrian, Jax, Jake and Noah. Looking back to the field I saw Drake staring at Alina yet again. I think Drakey has a crush on my Alina. They'd make a cute couple. The whistle blew signalling a water break. I headed down to the field and waved at Alina.

She straitened up and smiled at me, jogging over she greeted me. "Hey what are you doing down here?" I smirked and replied "Oh you know just wanted to let you know the Drake hasn't been able to take his eyes off of you all practice." She blushed and her eyes grew big. Squealing she hugged me, but then she pulled back and screamed. Drakes head lifted and he ran over. Inspecting her arms and legs he asked her what the emergency was. She looked so mortified when she answered "I squealed." She said bearing audible. Drake looked confused but I nudged him and whispered "She's never squealed in her life. She's not a girly person and she's in shock now." He nodded and pulled her into a hug soothing her and rubbing her arms.

The coach called every one back and we all went our separate ways. The coach started sorting them into teams and it looked like boys versus girls. Adrian and his buddies started veering when they saw Drake step onto the field and me and my girls did the same when Alina stepped into the field. Me and Adrian made eye contact and he winked followed by a smirk. The whistle blew and I knew this would be a long match.  

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