Chapter 17

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I couldn't be happier when I saw us pull into an A&W. Adrian had been super annoying these past two hours. With all the poking, pinching and punching I was more than enraged. Coach barked after us telling us to be back in ten minutes. Me and Alina headed over to Merica just in time to catch her flirting with Brandon. We looked at each other before silently nodding, a plan had just been set in motion.

We had just gotten on the bus and coach was still sending me and Alina glares said to say really smart of you two. I sent him an innocent smile and a tiny wave and Alina just laughed as a shirtless Drake walked her back to their seats. Let me explain. It all happened when we were performing our 'secret plan' on Merica. It was supposed to work like this.

I would approached her and started talking with her and Brandon. This of course would be the part where Alina jumps In and scares the shit out of Merica, but Alina's a clumsy person and fate most obviously wasn't on her side. Upon tiptoeing over Alina tripped on a twig, fell over a garbage can, landed face first on the ground and walked away with a bloody nose. Merica turned around hearing the loud thump and screeched when she saw the blood polling beneath Alina. I of course didn't see a problem because last week Alina ran into the gym wall casually without any explanation and her nose bled a river. Drake of course startled by all the commotion came outside to peek and when he saw his sleeping beauty on the ground, legs in a trash can, blood beneath her he almost had a stroke. I of course being the smart one in the scene decided to go and help Alina up. This seamed to snap Drake out of whatever he was thinking because he ran over and pushed me out of the way. On an impulse he pulled his shirt over his head and pulled Alina's hands away from her face, replacing them with his shirt. Adrian was now laying on the ground pissing himself with laughter at the sight of our mad scramble. Alina was now drooling over Drakes eight pack and v-line. Coach also came to check up on us and you could see the smoke coming from his ears when he learned that his star player was sitting on the ground bleeding because of a stupid failed prank. 

So that my friends is how a shirtless Drake, bloody Alina, terrified Merica, hysterical Adrian, pissed of coach and heroic Mace. We took our seats and Adrian began the journey with a holler and a poke.
Finally we pulled into the hotel. Coach stood up and told us to wait for him in the lobby. With that said we all reached for our bags and stared towards the foyer.

When coach finally arrived he checked us all in and told us we could choose who we wanted to room with. Rooms fit two people and all our luggage. Alina offered to share a room with Drake, so me and Merica roomed together. Adrian is staying with some girl from the team. I'm not gonna lie, it actually hurt a little to see Adrian with someone else, it's almost jealousy. Impossible. Build a bridge and get over it. I shook the thoughts from my head and me and Mer headed towards our room.

The room was small but cozy. Two twin beds occupied the right wall and a tv was placed directly in front of them. A desk stay close to the window beside the tv stand. The bathroom was simple with nice granite floors, a bathtub, shower, sink and toilet. A beige colour palette ran through the room with a few accent colours here and there.

Coach announced that the girls team had a game tomorrow morning at twelve in the afternoon against our rivalry school Eagle Ridge. The boys however played later today at four. We all piled onto our rooms after arriving from the game. The boys did great wining 4-1 against some team from California. The athletes went to bed at about nine and the rest of us stayed up until ten.

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