Chapter 20

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Maces date outfit

The doorbell rang and I rushed down the stairs, grabbing my heels in a hurry. "Hey. Come in!" I said as Adrian appeared on the other side of the opened door. "Thanks."
Stepping in he stood on the mat and I finally got a good look at him, and let me say he looked devouring. He wore a tight white tee, black skinny jeans and a leather jacket. "I'm ready to go." He smiled and offered a hand, I took it and we entered his car.

The trees enveloped us and I was confused as to what we were doing here. "Follow me." I nodded and Adrian started into the forest. Following we walked for about five minutes before I gasped at the sight before me. A blanket lay on the ground, pillows littered over and candles lit the quiet meadow. In the centre lay a picnic basket. "It's beautiful!" I whispered. Adrian placed a finger on my chin and lifted my head closer to his. "Not nearly as beautiful as you." He huskily murmured. I but my lip to control the moan I was about to release. "Let's eat." I gasped. We pulled each other onto the blanket and sat down. Adrian broke the silence by requesting us to play a game of twenty questions. Agreeing we began.

"Which tattoos your favourite?" He started.
"The name on my wrist." I chocked out. The name of my baby.
"What's your favourite color?"
"Black" he answered. "What about you?"
"Blue." It was Caleb's favourite colour.

We continued asking random questions back and forth until Adrian asked where I left to and what I did there.

"Um, well, I uh. I left for London after the party." Adrian winced at this part, obviously remembering the terrible memory. "I spent my first year adjusting. I went to a nice school had a few friends and also had a surprise." I chocked on my son as I said this next part. "My little baby boy, Caleb." Adrian's eyes widened in surprise and I wiped the tears from my face before carrying on. "It was hard at first raising him alone. I barely had enough time as it was between schools and fighting. But one day this all changed when I ran into a boy named Drake. We instantly became friends. He helped me with my baby struggles and before the start of the second year we started dating. Little did I know though that my life would drastically change. One night I was walking home with Drake and Caleb when all of the sudden we were pushed down by five big men. The fighter in me was already beginning to pounce but I couldn't because the men had Drake and Caleb. Do t move and we won't shoot them he said." I took a ragged breath and continued. "He shot anyways. Hitting Caleb in the head and Drake in the heart. My little baby died instantly and Drake died seconds after. I was absolutely devastated. That's the only reason I came back. I needed a change of scenery. Of course I had to finish school before I could come back. So that's what happened in London. I went there as a devastated fifteen year old and left as a broken eighteen year old. I lost everything important to me in London, my baby and my love."

Adrian pulled me into his chest and whispered soothing words to me. Pulling back he looked me in the eyes
and asked the most dreadful question possible. "Who was the father?" I froze. How could you tell your ex who you still love that he was the father of your one year old murdered child.

"You." I whispered loud enough for him to barely hear. "Me." He breathed. Nodding we fell into an awkward silence. Adrian's sniffles broke the silence and I turned to him in shock. "I'm so sorry." He cried over and over again. "I'm such a fucking screw up. Why did I have to break your heart that night. I never really meant it. My fucking ego got in the way. The truth Mace, I still love you. And it was hell for me in those three years that you were gone for. I'm so sorry about our baby. I wish I would've done something more but instead I sat there like an idiot and waited for your arrival."

He looked at me and leaned in. "I love you Mace." I felt like sweeping when he said that. He loves me and I love him. Tell him dumbass. I finished my metal argument and looked at Adrian. "Show me how much you love me." I breathed. His lips attacked mine and right there in that moment I knew that I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

Hey guys. Go back to chapter one and two cause I made some changes that correspond with this chapter.

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