Haunted House

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Aiko: SLENDY *she whines, as she's jumping up and down in the back seat* I HAVE TO GO NOW!

Slendy: *is driving the car* you should have gone before we left

Aiko: BUT I DIDN'T HAVE TO GO THEN *started jittering frantically in her seat*

Everyone from the killer mansion, minus Sally and Smile for they were watching the house while they were away, was in the van heading for Slendy's planned out vacation, they were going to go camping in the woods. That is until halfway there, when they were deep in the woods, the 72 ounce drink she got on the way there decided to give mother nature a call.

Aiko; P-PLEASE!!!! I NEED TO GO REALLY BADLY!!!! * is whining, and she never whines*

Ben: *is sitting next to Aiko and starts leaning towards Jack* uh, we'll be there in an hour, so don't w-worry

Aiko: BUT I NEED TO GO NOW *she yells in frustration*

Jeff: *is in the front seat* pfft

Aiko: *glares at Jeff* if looks could kill, i would've murdered you 15 times now

Masky: GO FISH! *is in the very back seat, behind Aiko, Ben and Jack, playing go fish*

Hoody: YOU MUST BE LYING! *throws cards down pissed*

Aiko: I N-NEED! TO! GO! NOW! *starts whining again*

Ben: eep!

Jeff: pfft

Masky & Hoody: GO FISH! 

Slendy: *sweat drops* sigh, why does everyone have to be loudmouthed

Aiko: *presses her face up against the window as they slowly pass a huge castle like mansion* SLENDY STOP THE CAR! NOW! *screams at the top of her lungs*

Slendy: *slams on the brakes, and looks back at Aiko* WHY!

Aiko: *is already out the door running to the castle as lightning randomly came out of nowhere* MOTHER NATURE THANK YOU FOR THIS BUILDING *said as she bursts through the castle doors, not even noticing that they were there*

Ben & Jack: 0_0 should we go after here

Rain started to fall 

Slendy: *sighs* i guess so since it started to rain and we need a place to stay for the night

Masky & Hoody: YAY! A CASTLE! *both run towards the mansion*

Jack: *gets out of the car with Ben and Jeff* something tells me this isn't a good idea

Jeff: when does it ever sound like a good thing when Aiko is around?

Ben: *jumps on Jeff's back* ONWARDS MY HUMANS BWHAHAHAHAH

Slendy: *is pissed at the rain for ruining his planned out trip, so he takes his anger out on Ben, picks Ben up by his tentacles and throws him into the tree closest to the front doors*

Jack & Jeff: 0_0 *stare at Slendy as he started to mumble walking past them*

~inside the mansion~

The entrance area had black and white checkered big tiles for the floors, the walls were cobblestone since it was a castle, there was a red carpet cutting across the floor from the entrance in-between two curved stair cases, leading into what looked like a ballroom.

Masky & Hoody: *running around the entrance running around like fools* WOW IT'S HUGE!

Jack & Jeff: dannnnnggg *they looked at the high ceiling*

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