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Kang Shin Woo P.O.V.

It had been two months since Go Mi Nyu had left us and went to Africa by herself. Hwang Tae Kyung was still waiting for her return but his songs kept getting better and happier after she left. She meant way more to him than we ever thought. He changed a lot in the period that she was here... no, not only him. We all changed. Me, Jeremy and maybe even manager Ma because of the brightness that she was giving other people. I didn’t regret holding on to her until the very last moment. And I was happy that she left with a good feeling inside her heart and no awkward feelings between us. I admit, it was weird to see her after the month that she had disappeared and Go Mi Nam came back and took her place for us. And when she appeared I really believed she was the real Go Mi Nam, but I was happy when I noticed she, even as a guy, returned for a moment. It was only sad that it didn’t last for so long and that she left a couple of days after that day. Leaving Hwang Tae Kyung behind like it was nothing. But I knew that wasn’t true because he meant the world to her. Looking back, there hadn’t been anything I could do to break them even though I had been nice to her ever since she came here and I found out about her secret. I was like always looking out for her and always been helping her whenever she was in trouble. It only took her a long time and a confession before she realized all that. It was a time where I got hurt a lot but knowing that she was happy now, made even me feeling a little better.

            Jeremy still couldn’t stop talking about her and I realized that he was missing her just as much as I did. And also he was hurt when he hurt that she had chosen for Tae Kyung instead of us. He didn’t saw it coming... maybe I should be happy that I did.

            And Go Mi Nam never talked about her very much. He probably just missed her but was able to handle it so well because they were twins either way so it wasn’t really important. And he knew more about her than we did, so I guess that played a part as well. But even though we all liked Go Mi Nyu and even fell in love with her, we barely talked to Go Mi Nam. But he didn’t need us, he became more popular than all of us. Even more popular than Hwang Tae Kyung and that really said something. The girls were cheering for him even more than for us. Not that it bothered me. It wasn’t like I needed so much of attention from girls who loved you, cried over you and marry with someone normal. It were just fans. I loved them, but they weren’t that important.


            ‘Guys! There is a big event coming up!’ yelled the Director as he jumped of the couch screaming ‘Jackpot’ because he was so excited again. He probably looked forward to all the attention and publicity this event would get again.

            Manager Ma, who was still with us but this time because of the real Go Mi Nam, tried to be excited too even though he didn’t even know what he director was talking about.

            We all looked around, not knowing how to react on him until he would tell about the big event.   

            ‘What is the big event?’ asked manager Ma.

            ‘I’ll tell you what the big event is! We have hired a new song writer.’

You should’ve seen Hwang Tae Kyung’s face, he was really not happy with this.

            ‘Wait, first you hire a new singer and after that a new songwriter?” he said annoyed.

            ‘Before you get mad, let me explain.’ tried the director to calm him down a bit.

            ‘Why would we need something like that?’I asked.

The director pointed at me.    

            ‘That is what I am going to explain right now.’

We looked at him and waited for his explanation which would probably be about the media and the attention that we would get. Something he would call: ‘jackpot’.

            ‘Even though I like your songs a lot, the things changed and we need a little change in music and aura. So I thought it would be great to let someone else write some great songs for you guys. Of course you are allowed to reject the songs that you don’t like.’

            Tae Hyung sniffed and looked annoyed. Jeremy looked at the director, I don’t think he hated the idea.

            ‘So, what do you think?’ asked the director.

Manager Ma put his thumbs up and nodded heavily.

            ‘Great idea, great idea!’ he said.

            ‘I don’t really have any problems with it.’ sighed Go Mi Nam.

            ‘Me neither.’ said Jeremy.

The director looked at Tae Kyung and after that he looked at me.

            ‘If everyone is alright with it, then I am also alright with it.’ I said, lifting my shoulders.

            ‘So everything depends on you, Hwang Tae Kyung.’ said the director.

It was obvious that he didn’t want it.

            ‘I don’t want it.’ he said.

Everyone sighed deeply. This was the Tae Kyung that we knew. He would decline everything that wasn’t planned or that was against his will.

            ‘Even if you don’t want it. This person comes to sign a contract tomorrow.’

            ‘What!? You already decided it?’

            ‘What else should I do? If we do this we will hit the jackpot! Think about all the attention that you guys will get. It is the same as with Go Mi Nam when he came here, but this time it will not be for the rest. It will be a big step for A.N.JELL  And if you really want to have control over the songs of this band then I would suggest that you will help this new songwriter.’

            Hwang Tae Kyung looked angry.

            ‘You know what. Do it, I’ll do nothing and just watch this.’

He stood up from his chair and left the room. And the director made a movement with his hands that said: ‘I want you to stay, but if you don’t then I’ll convince the others first.’

            ‘It’s the newest and most popular songwriter in this period of time. I guarantee you that you won’t be disappointed.’

            ‘Are you planning on making this songwriter the replacer of Hwang Tae Kyung?’ asked manager Ma.

            ‘Of course not! It’s only for one album.’ said the director.

            ‘Already a new album?’ asked Jeremy.

            ‘Yeah! Jackpot!’

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