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            We stepped into the van and without a sound, Jong Shi Wing followed us. As we were driving for a little while, he didn’t speak up and only looked at the ground like he was really nervous. Something I could imagine though, but on the other hand, we were all guys so it wasn’t really something that big.

            ‘You’re going to love the place. It’s big and we have a piano in the middle of the house. We also have our own fridge and guitars.’ told Jeremy.

            ‘You are going to sleep in my room. If you want to change something about it, just tell me and I’ll see what I can do.’ I said smiling, still trying to make him feel a little comfortable.

            He didn’t say anything for a very long time and I was surprised when I heard quite a high voice coming from the mouth of this quiet young man.

            ‘E-excuse m-me.’ he stuttered.

            ‘What’s up?’ asked Jeremy.

            ‘I-is t-there a-a ch-chance that I can g-get a r-room for m-my own?’ he kept on stuttering the whole time.

            I didn’t know if I had to feel insulted or hated but I just didn’t like his guts. I mean, he was already going to live in my room if he already had complains about it, then he should just shut up about it and finish the album quickly.

            ‘Why? Is there something wrong with sleeping Shin Woo in one room?’ said Jeremy who probably thought the same as me.

            ‘No!’ he almost shouted. ‘S-Shin W-Woo is r-really nice.’

He was probably making up an excuse in his head right now as he was quiet and looking at the ground again. It was quite annoying to look at.

            ‘I-I j-just can’t s-sleep in one room w-with you guys.’ he told us.

            ‘Why not?’I asked.

            ‘T-that would be weird.’

Jeremy looked at me and after that he looked at Jong Shi Wing with a frown on his face.


But when he didn’t answer, Jeremy created all kind of weird assumptions in his head.

            ‘Don’t tell me you are... gay!?’ he yelled.

Shi Wing looked up but his glasses still hid a huge part of his face. He shook his head really fast.

            ‘Then tell me, why is it weird?’

He looked to the ground and mumbled something I didn’t understand.

            ‘Can you repeat that?’I asked.

He sighed deeply and looked up at me.

            ‘That would be weird... because I...’

            ‘We arrived at the house.’ interrupted the driver Jong Shi Wing.

And I turned myself to Jong Shi Wing and smiled, trying to comfort him again while I was already feeling a little annoyed.

            ‘Just sleep in the same room as me. I won’t bite.’

            ‘A-alright.’ he mumbled as he turned his face to the ground again and stepped out of the van.

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