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            ‘We’re back.’ I said as I stopped the car and stepped out. Shi Mi followed my lead and put back on her cap. The whole way in the car she had been stroking through her hair, probably surprised how it felt differently now. But yet she never looked like she regretted it and slowly I stopped feeling guilty at all.

            We walked into the house where Jeremy was already waiting with an angry expression on his face. I understood why he was angry, but I just didn’t want him to know.

            ‘Why did you guys leave without me?’ he asked me when I greeted him.

            ‘We thought that you would follow us, but you didn’t.’I lied.

            ‘I wouldn’t know where to follow you guys to!’ pouted Jeremy.

            ‘I’m sorry, Jeremy.’ I said, really feeling a little guilty about it. ‘How can I make it better?’ I asked him.

            He put on his ‘I am thinking’ face and suddenly came up with the most craziest idea.

            ‘Let’s go on a trip this weekend, together, the five of us!’

Shi Mi and I looked at him with astonishment and we frowned both, but when Jeremy looked at Shi Mi, she immediately looked down at the ground.

            ‘That is not even an option.’ sounded Hwang Tae Hyung’s voice when he walked of the stairs.

            ‘What do you mean?’ pouted Jeremy as he started clinging on to Jong Shi Mi.

She didn’t try to escape but she didn’t look really amused about it either so I started pulling Jeremy off Shi Mi carefully, but if I didn’t pull him harder he wouldn’t come off. But Hwang Tae Hyung wouldn’t help me, so I guess I should just let it be.

            ‘What I mean is, we are going to be busy with a new album and we can’t use any distractions right now. We need to focus.’ he said, turning himself to Shi Mi. ‘So you can’t afford to get distracted too. I am not agreeing with you writing our new album, nor am I agreeing to the fact you are staying here. Make sure you won’t do anything to make us look stupid.’

            Shi Mi looked at the ground and nodded.

            ‘I will try my best!’

Hwang Tae Hyung sniffed. ‘Your best is not even close to enough.’

            I stroked through my hair and decided to speak up.

            ‘Don’t be so hard on him, Tae Hyung.’ I said taking a step closer to him. ‘He will do his best, let us just go with that. The new album will be awesome so please don’t worry about it.’

            Again he sniffed and he turned around walking away with his head high. His arrogant walk, even though he wasn’t so arrogant anymore after Go Mi Nyu had left. A pressing pain against my chest filled me, but left sooner than I had expected it to.

            ‘Heavy atmosphere.’ mumbled Jeremy who had stopped clinging onto Jong Shi Mi.

There was an awkward silence and the only thing I was aware of was the cap of Jong Shi Mi which had been covering her eyes for a while now already. I hated that I wasn’t able to see her expression, but I was pretty sure she liked hiding it.

            ‘Let’s go do something fun!’ said Jeremy who put his arm around me and Jong Shi Mi and pushed us towards the living room and after that he pushed us down on the couch. He kneeled down in front of the television and started searching in the small drawers filled with cd’s, dvd’s and his videogames.

            ‘What kind of movies or games do you usually watch and play?’ asked Jeremy Jong Shi Mi.

            ‘I-I d-don’t p-play videogames.’ she stuttered softly.

            ‘And what about movies?’

            ‘I-I l-like a-action thrillers.’

I frowned and looked at Jong Shi Mi. That girl liked action thrillers? She didn’t even look like the kind of type who was able to handle such a kind of movies. She looked like the person who enjoyed movies about love or unicorns more. She really surprised me by answering that.

            I was pretty sure that Jeremy was thinking that same as he searched for the right movie. Jeremy never really liked scary movie or movies with a lot of blood in them. He was more the time for a good storyline so that made him really girlish, but yet at the same time he was a real man. I don’t think anyone would believe he was a girl even when he completely dresses like it. It was kind of hard to imagine Jeremy in a dress, and that thought made me grin a little.

            ‘Look at this one.’ said Jeremy as he handed a dvd over to Jong Shi Mi.

She looked at it carefully and read the back of the dvd. It took her a while before she looked up at Jeremy and nodded with a little smile on her face. Her cheeks coloured a little red and she handed the dvd over to Jeremy who couldn’t help but smile a little. The face she had was just too cute and I knew that Jeremy was thinking the exact same thing.

            ‘I didn’t know you liked those kind of movies.’ I said to her.

            ‘I do.’ she answered me, blushing.

            ‘Well, it doesn’t matter which movies she likes, it is always the best if we can enjoy it with each other!’ shouted Jeremy happily.

            ‘That’s true. Let me get some snacks.’ I said, standing up from the couch.

            ‘Yes, sir!’ grinned Jeremy.

            ‘D-do you w-want me to help?’ mumbled Shi Mi.

            ‘No, I’ll be back in a minute. Thank you.’ I said smiling.

She nodded and turned herself to Jeremy who sat down next to her telling her the story of  how he got the movie and who were playing in it. Jeremy accepted her already, but as a man. Which was weird because suddenly I wasn’t able to see anything male-like anymore. 

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