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I woke up that morning and just dressed up as usual.  I brushed my teeth, did my hair and did some funny faces in the mirror. Just a usual morning. He only thing unusual to this morning, was that there was another person sitting on our kitchen table.

            ‘Good morning, Jong Shi Wing!’ I greeted the little guy happily.

He nodded small.

            ‘G-good morning, Jeremy.’

I smiled at him and sat down on the chair next to him with Go Mi Nam on the other seat next to me. He ate his breakfast in silence.

            ‘Good morning, Go Mi Nam.’ I greeted him also.


Short but clear, that was Go Mi Nam’s attitude towards us and probably towards the rest of the world revolving around A.N.JELL.

            I got some cereals and poured some juice in a glass. That would be my breakfast for today. And as I ate my first bite, Hwang Tae Kyung came walking into the kitchen and only filled a glass with water. That was his breakfast, he really was an unhealthy person. He never started with a proper meal.

            ‘Do you want some tea, Jong Shi Wing?’ asked Shin Woo-hyung.

He simply nodded and when he got the tea from Shin Woo he carefully held it in his hand as he stared at it with a little smile on his face. The guy must really love tea, something he shared with Shin Woo probably.

            We were quiet as we were eating and after a couple of minutes manager Ma came walking in, greeting us with a little wave and sat down next to Go Mi Nam.

            ‘Good morning everyone!’ he greeted us.

            ‘Good morning.’ we mumbled back.

He was staring at Jong Shi Wing who was eating his cereal carefully and without making any sounds at all. It was indeed strange to look at a guy with such a good manners, but on the other hand, we had already seen Hwang Tae Kyung eating, so it wasn’t that weird.

            Suddenly Shin Woo-hyung interrupted the silence.

            ‘Shi Wing, want to go to the hairdresser today?’

It surprised me that he didn’t spit out his cereal because of surprise but he only carefully cleaned his mouth and simply nodded. It was indeed necessary to change something about his style. If he wanted to be A.N.JELL’s songwriter, then there were some things that you just had to change. It was kind of a status thing.

            ‘I want to go too!’ I said as I almost jumped of my chair looking forward to also cut my hair.

Shin Woo lifted his shoulder.

            ‘If that is what you want. But I thought you had been there already last week.’

            ‘That’s true... but don’t you think a change is good once in a while?’ I said as an argument to come with them. I wasn’t even thinking about changing my hairstyle. I liked the way I looked cute right now, it suited my image for the kids and teenagers who were listening to our music. I was the most popular amongst the kids.

            ‘I don’t really mind, but shouldn’t you ask the director for permission first?’ said Hwang Tae Kyung.

            ‘But you changed your image in the middle too. Then why shouldn’t I just do that without having to ask for permission first?’

            Hwang Tae Kyung ignored me and took a sip of his drink.

            ‘He changed his hairstyle for Go Mi Nyu, that’s why.’ grinned Go Mi Nam.

Hwang Tae Kyung spitted out his water and looked furious at Go Mi Nam who simply continued his breakfast.

            ‘What did you just say?’ he said with putting a lot of energy into his eyes.

            ‘Am I wrong?’ asked Go Mi Nam.

            ‘Yes. You are. Totally wrong.’

Go Mi Nam grinned and continued his breakfast again. There was a tension hanging in the air and we all knew it was because of Hwang Tae Kyung who was extremely pissed off right now. Something that actually happened everyday but this time it was because of hearing Go Mi Nyu’s name.

            ‘Well, it’s only normal to do that for the one you love, right?’ said manager Ma.

I and Shin Woo just nodded and I saw Jong Shi Wing trying to follow the conversation but he wasn’t really able too. Which wasn’t a weird thing because he didn’t even know who Go Mi Nyu was.

            ‘Maybe we should keep quiet now.’ said Kang Woo pointing carefully at Jong Shi Wing who wasn’t allowed to know about the situation at all.

            I stood up from my chair and brought my bowl to the dishwasher. After that I put my hands on Jong Shi Wing’s shoulders and smiled brightly trying to pull him with me.

            ‘Let’s go pick out some really cool clothes for you today! The things you are wearing now are really boring. And maybe we should change your glasses for contacts, because you totally look like a geek now!’ I said smiling.

            Jong Shi Wing spitted out his cereal and I realized that it was probably because I had just insulted everything about him.      

            ‘I-is it t-that b-bad?’ he stuttered ashamed, turning his face to the kitchen table.

            ‘Yes, it is. Please, go pick out some good clothing. I don’t want our songwriter to be dressed like that.’ said Hwang Tae Kyung.

            Kang Woo laughed out loud, which surprised me.

            ‘After going to the hairdresser with him, I’ll make sure to get him some new clothes. So don’t you worry about that, Jeremy, Hwang Tae Kyung.’

            ‘Good.’ said Hwang Tae Kyung who left the room again, drinking his water that he still hadn’t finished.

            ‘I am going to dress up and come with you guys!’ I said as I jumped away, up the stairs, into my room to dress up.

            I picked a sweater that I really liked and a skinny jeans in the colour yellow that already got complemented by a lot of girls. Even though I had only wore it for like only one time.

            When I came down stairs, it surprised me to see that everyone, except for Go Mi Nam and manager Ma were already gone.

            ‘Where are Shin Woo-hyung and Jong Shi Wing?’I asked as I searched around in the room.

            ‘They already left without you.’ said Go Mi Nam.

I was surprised and sat down on the ground. 


            ‘They said it took you too long and decided to leave already.’ said manager Ma who ate a huge bowl of rice.

            ‘So unfair...’ I sighed.

And with my head bowed, I decided to go write my motorcycle and go to the hairdresser myself and go give away some autographs to fans that liked me. 

            I grabbed my keys, boots and helmet and left the house without saying goodbye to Go Mi Nam who wouldn’t even response to it and just continue with what he was doing. I would go to the park to enjoy the weather for a while because after that I would have a whole day free, and I had to come up with something I could do before I would die because I was so bored. I was able to make fun on my own, right? I didn’t need Kang Shin Woo to make fun, or Jong Shi Wing who didn’t even wait for me. And Hwang Tae Kyung was no fun anyway. Don’t get me wrong, I loved every single person in the band, but sometimes even I felt a little left out.

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