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She looked at me. Surprised. She tried to push it away, but she couldn’t let go on the idea that I was some kind of pervert. Something I understood, concerning the situation that we were in. Well, at least I thought it was like that. But she looked me in the eye and said  the words I didn’t expect to hear:

            ‘What happened? Has it something to do with the girl you were talking about earlier? The one you wrote songs for?’

            Now it was my time to look at her, surprised. She was so straightforward that it scared me a little. It was like she was immediately looking into my heart and I didn’t like that at all. If everyone believed in my shadow, the one who wasn’t me, then why was she the one who was able to look through that  act completely, without having to do anything for it. What kind of person was she that she was able to do that so easily?

            ‘You’re clever. You immediately knew what I was talking about even though you always hide your own face.’

            He cheeks turned red and she avoided looking at me for a while. I knew that I had just tramped on a weakness of hers, but I couldn’t help but feeling annoyed that someone noticed the real me so quickly.

            ‘It has nothing to do with you, so please stay out of it.’ I said, protecting my heart.

She looked at me, angry.

            ‘What do you mean it has nothing to do with me? You won’t even tell the others that I am a girl because you want to be happy for a change. Of course it has something to do with me now!’ she shouted and stood up from the bed, I followed her lead.

            ‘Is it so weird for me to wish for happiness? Why won’t you just let me keep this a secret and make me feel special!?’

            ‘Why would I? It has nothing to do with me!’ her voice trembled.

            ‘Is that the only reason that you want me to tell people? Because I don’t want to tell you about what happened?’

            ‘I don’t care if you don’t want to tell me what happened! I just don’t want you to say that it doesn’t involve me while, if I stay a guy, you are the one being happy because you wish for something like happiness. You have your past, I have mine. It doesn’t have anything to do with wanting to know about it. I just...’

            ‘I got it.’ I sighed. I realized that I had been the one in the wrong. ‘I’ll just tell the others.’ I started walking a way to the door but right before I could open it, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

            ‘I’ll do it.’ she said, staring at the ground.

            ‘Do what?’

            ‘Pretend to be a guy.’

I frowned.

            ‘Are you joking? Because if that is what you are doing, then I’d rather have you stop with it now.’

            ‘I am not joking.’ she mumbled as she let go of my wrist. I slowly turned myself to her, looking down on her while her face was focused on the ground as usual.

            ‘You are not?’

            ‘I am not.’

I sighed, stroked through my hair. I didn’t really know what to say to her at all. Why would a girl, that I actually barely knew, do something huge like that for me? That was just...weird.

            ‘Why would you do something like that for me?’I asked.

            ‘You said it yourself right? You want happiness. If I am able to give you that, then why won’t I? It would be selfish to keep you from being happy.’

            Her eyes found mine and she kept staring at them. She had full and pure eyes that were hiding a lot of things behind them.

            ‘Why would you want me to be happy?’ I asked, wanting to hear something that would make me feel better and keep away this guilt that was creeping up on me.

            ‘Because, you kind of resemble me. I guess I just want to make myself a little bit happier too.’

She caught my attention immediately and I smiled at her, petted her head and stroked through her hair.

            ‘Thank you, Jong Shi Wing.’

She smiled to the ground, not knowing where to look.

            ‘It’s Jong Shi Mi.’

            ‘What?’ I frowned.

            ‘My real name. It’s Jong Shi Mi.’

            ‘You even changed your name?’ I laughed.

            ‘I didn’t, the director heard it wrong so I decided to go with it. I would call it my ‘stage’ name.’ she said smiling.

            ‘Your stage name? I don’t expect you to go on stage when you are dressed like this.’ I said grinning. The whole air between us had changed and in just one day we had become more close than I had ever been to anyone. The fact that she decided to keep her gender a secret, for me, felt great even though I knew the question was insane from my side. But this way, I would be able to feel special, even though it was selfish.

            ‘I don’t expect that either.’ she said smiling, walking to the bed, and sat down again.

            ‘Jong Shi Mi, you are weird.’ I sighed.

            ‘I know, so are you.’

I smiled and sat down next to her once more, sharing my thoughts with her as we looked at the moon outside. We were both fascinated by it.

            ‘That was a sudden change in my character, wasn’t it?’ she asked suddenly.

I was surprised about the question, but I agreed on it. She always hid her face from us and I realised that it was actually something weird that she didn’t do that now.

            ‘Don’t you ever dare to act like that when we are alone.’ I said.

            ‘Understood.’  She said as she gave me a peace sign.

I smiled and looked at the moon once more.

            And from that moment, she and I shared a secret which was only meant for me. 

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